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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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I’m looking for books on the history of anarchism in France and the United States.

I’m especially looking for texts on individualist anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism in France/the US, between 1860-1920s.

I know I know, vague.


<This is the story of the infamous Bonnot Gang: the most notorious French anarchists ever, and the inventors of the motorized get-away

<The history of labor in the United States is a story of almost continuous violence. In Dynamite, Louis Adamic recounts one century of that history in vivid, carefully researched detail. Covering both well- and lesser-known events—from the riots of immigrant workers in the second quarter of the nineteenth century to the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO)—he gives precise, and often brutal, meaning to the term "class war."


Got anything about American individualist anarchism since that was the first school of anarchist thought to arrive in America?


The Manifesto of the Sixteen


Kek, no.


All of Benjamin Tucker's works are good imo
Josiah Warren's manifesto is good as is Equitable Commerce, although it takes a slight turn from individualist anarchism iirc
steve p andrews Love, Marriage and Divorce, and the Sovereignty of the Individual is good
Walker's philosophy of egoism is the most based American anarchist piece of writing imo pre 20th century
as for actual histories idk i think bob black or maybe hakim bey wrote one lol

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so marx meant to write 6 volumes of capital but never finished, i'm interested in what the later volumes would have said. so is grundrisse a sort of summary of what all 6 volumes? if not what would be
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marxists.org has the Progress edition
MECW is on libgen, pulled the PDF's for you


International Publishers should still have them all in stock; they might give you a discount if you bulk buy and ask.



So Grundrisse is just Capital Vol. 0, meaning there are 5 volumes of capital.


Thankee :)

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I have the impression that psychology is a field that is heavily influenced by the societal structure we live in and what culture we have, to deduce that some behavior is inappropriate, an illness, a deficit, or on the other side of the spectrum healthy, a sign of maturity, desirable.
Do you guys have any literature on that?
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Socialism as an idea is derived precisely from the arisen contradictions beholden & intrinsic to capitalism; if there are psychological findings which contradict the ideological propositions of capitalism, such findings are technically still *derived from* a capitalist context and will thusly still be partially tainted in their formative structuration by capitalist ideology. There is no wholly neutral or detoxed finding which could otherwise emerge from psychology under the particular societal mode which contextualizes its epistemological basis.


Honestly, Kaczynski touches on this a little bit in Industrial Society and It's Future. If you're open to reading a wild schizo's thoughts on psychology and sociology, it may match your perspective on the field.


Mental illness is real. It's what society considers normal. Aspergers havers are the only mentally healthy ones, but since they're the minority, they're ironically labeled as mentally ill.


gtfo varg


Published just last year.

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Hi /edu/ I'm a teacher who has been tasked with creating a social studies curriculum for a college. Students are aged 18-23 and the college is located in a relatively poor global south country.

I'm looking for suggestions on interesting, informative, assumption-challenging, ore even just straight up cool articles that I could add to the course. Most of the social studies or sociology textbooks out there are written for a western or abstract global audience, so stuff that might appeal to a global south country would be appreciated. The level would be around first year or pre-undergraduate.

[please don't infodump tonnes of books on socialism from the early 1900s or stuff that is too complex :)]


Probably not exactly what you're looking for but to bump


Are you a sociology professor or PhD or whatever or why are you teaching university students sociology?


If you're from LATAM maybe you can do an excerpt of Open Veins of Latin America.


Could you give an outline on what topics the course covers?

https://archive.org/details/MarxEngelsCollectedWorksVolume10MKarlMarx/Marx %26 Engels Collected Works Volume 24_ M - Karl Marx/page/n139 is an article Engels wrote about the German alcohol distilling industry. It discusses a concrete example of class dynamics within a societal context, concerning the large-scale investment of the land aristocracy into distilleries and the resulting proliferation of low-quality alcohol across Europe.


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What recent historical events are super important to know about or really interesting but the younger generation doesn't? Ideally stuff that isn't just relevant to one small region of the world.


Oh no I put the apostrophe in the wrong place(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


Literal Nazi and burger cooperation in the 2014 coup in the ukraine


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What are the best books that give a nuance look at the use of in history political violence. I was talking with my friend about the antifa guy who punched Richard Spencer, and he thought it was bad optics because it gave him more sympathy for his ideas. And that got me thinking about the potential bad optics the use of political violence can have. And what situations warrant the use of violence and what situations warrant an alternative method.
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don't need to be lectured by an Incel and a pedophile


Thank you. Sorel does not get enough attention.




you talking about yourself?

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One of the recent trend in youtube video productions, and one of my favorite and best thing to come of this media imo, has been the birth of various field experts that start doing the work of actually explaining to the enthusiast various knowledge relevant to their skills, an act know as "vulgarization".

Vulgarization has always been a concern of science, because sharing the knowledge is an important part of the process, and many advances are made from people who just happen to have some relevant knowledge to a problem in their own field, or who need a problem fixed and hear of a new thing that might be applicable to their case. Nobody can build upon a knowledge he does not know yet.
But it was sadly limited by the need for the expert to use intermediaries, such as "science journalists", to reach a wide audience, with all the misconceptions someone not educated on the subject can bring, and the high cost for the enthusiast who'd like to know more of a subject, but can't really justify going to a specialist conference far away where he won't understand half of it just cause a subject sound interesting.

Youtube has allowed some of these more pedagogic experts to do focused vulgarization on important piece of their fields, with often surprising quality given the lack of financial means.

So here I will share my favorites ones, and ask you to share if you know of any good ones yourself, because sadly, all the ones I know of are in my own language.

First, Homo Fabulus, a biologist.
I recommend taking a look at his serie on morality, and it's potential biological origin.
(note: it's in french, but for that one there are english subtitles available)

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thunderf00t has some cringe content but he also does important work debunking dumb futurist meme tech


for history I like Military History Visualized




I have unironic OCD and my obsession right now is learning about both State control(taxation,permits,regulations,administrations) and big-corporations,techno-chemical global power(sources of energy,of food, of transporation for both, trans-oceanic commerce,banking)
which serious, scholarly books do I read?
which official websites do I consult?
im specially Interested in corruption in the food industry, pollution against humans, plastic islands in the oceans,and basically the alleged massive Antrophocenic extinction
>learning about the vast extent of taxation shields practical benefits,too


Read the tax code front to back.


AYE,Im reading the list of my countrys taxes. but it feels…incomplete.
I guess I should ask a lawyer for more info? my cousin is a lawyer.
also I guess buying a non-national product implies paying,also,for the taxes it underwent overseas?


What essentially distinguishes European colonialism from conquests we have seen in the past, for example the Roman Empire? Is it the permanence of inequality founded on race that reasoned chattel slavery or extermination? Has this not existed in the past in some similar form? Genuinely curious.


bout tree fiddy


Hi, I'll be doing a group project in uni for a "business ethics of new technology" filler course soon. We picked the topic of "propaganda and censorship in social networks" and I basically want to dunk on Western social media for being hypocritical about muh freedom of speech and muh Chinese/Russian state media and demonstrate how these companies are "socially irresponsible" with their behavior.
Basically, what I need is some literature to cite on how privatized censorship and propaganda work in modern liberal societies, specifically on Facebook, Google services or Twitter. Manufacturing Consent would be an obvious position if not for the fact it predates the current era.
Context: the teacher is a priest very outspokenly into "personalist" morality and Christian Democracy/milquetoast socdemmery/whatever ideology Rerum Novarum actually advocates for, and has explicitly asserted the liberal assumption that having private property is a fundamental human right, so no open praising of communism or anything like that.
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Update: We got an A.
Late to the party, but thanks anyway.


(btw all the post except urs and >>12034 are mine lmao)

are you willing to share ur paper? It'd be a good resource i think, if it ties this stuff together well. I'm trying to build up a collected of this kind of shit, to have evidence immediately on hand of how undemorcatic and manipulative liberal states still are in the modern day.


>share your paper
Unfortunately, it's not really a paper so much as a PowerPoint, and it's pretty shit from a layout/density of information point of view, one of our team members had no idea what she was supposed to do and just dumped Wikipedia definitions over a couple of slides.
Also, it's not in English.


Catlin Johnstone might have something that would help.


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So the deep state glowies almost outright even say they're gonna run psyops, nowadays.


There's not much use to seperate public and private when they are always linked, furthermore.

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