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'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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Since this is a subject that has been making the rounds in the public discourse again, let‘s make a general that debunks anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Post literature, videos, infographs, memes, whatever. Unfortunately, I don‘t have anything on my own, but I will make this thread to get this going.
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It is suspicious sounding that Jews are overrepresented in certain fields, that's not that unreasonable to think.


I wish I was that mountain


>Anyone that might listen to fascist will never listen to an actual rational argument
That's why fascists intentionally try to trick people into thinking they are reasonable.


Fascists, Islamists, Communists, black, white and asian all of whom came to the same conclusion


Is it? In the US, Indians are overrepresented among doctors and tech workers and iirc actually earn more as a group than Jews do. This is interesting because Jews used to be vilified partially because of their overrepresentation in medicine (Eustace Mullins, a postwar Nazi who was in contact with Ezra Pound and helped birth modern conspiracy culture, even wrote a book about this). But Indian Americans have never been seen in the same way as Jews by far right movements here. If they're given any thought at all then they're not conniving infiltrators who use their blood ties to take over society, they're dirty inferior brown people who couldn't take over a "white" society if they wanted to. The same thing is true for Nigerian Americans. Wealthy, overrepresented in certain fields, seen by Nazis as subhumans rather than crafty infiltrators anyway.

It was the case for Jewish overrepresentation in the early USSR too. I don't have the data, probably someone will, but if the tables I've seen are true then Poles and Lithuanians were also overrepresented among the Bolsheviks, as you'd expect them to be in a religiously and racially chauvinistic empire. Central Asians probably would have been overrepresented too had they been more economically developed and culturally europeanized. But again, no Nazis see Lithuanians or Poles in the same way they see Jews. Lithuanians weren't much of anything and Poles were Slavic subhumans (conveniently forgotten by postwar Nazis who prefer a universalized "white race" with the ethnic differences papered over to German chauvinism).

This isn't true either. The Italian Fascists pre-Axis didn't hate Jews and Jews were actually overrepresented in the PNF, ᴉuᴉlossnW had a Jewish mistress even. Which by your logic should mean you have to dismiss them as Jewish puppets. Probably the difference comes down to the fact that Jews in Italy had been assimilated into Italian life for a much longer time than in Germany but in any case the Italians didn't care until the alliance with Germany made them implement some of the same racial laws. Mosley (who was backed by Italian money) did talk about the Jews but was far milder towards them than the Germans (not to say he wasn't bigoted towards them). Arnold Leese even called him a kosher Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What does leftypol think of GA Cohen? And can someone explain what his criticism of John Rawls was? I read some of his works and it seems like he was a cool dude.
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>although were he less Stalinist it would have been preferable.
Are you talking about his economic views?


He gets mentioned here time and time again here for a reason.


Analytical marxists are a mixed bag. GA cohen is one of the better ones


>although were he less Stalinist
what does this even mean?


nix this i was mistaken

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I'm completely fed up using MSM retarded media outlets to stay up to date on either breaking news or general trends and events going on. I use guardian every day to get current events but its obnoxious to read that slop after a while. Id rather use blogs and alternative sources of news from people who have a bit less bias, slant, private interests, or total ideological retardation.


steal newsanon sites, snoop around them and look for links to other news sources, mronline has a feed of tons of external sources u can lurk to gather various global as well as independent and also leftist news sites

use RSS. I have about 50 sites i get updates from, for various interests. This is the scale you need, so you can get multiple perspectives and get keyed into big stories. Also most of these update infrequently because theyre relatively independent and small.

Oh btw Telesur is probably my main news on random normal stuff. It's biased, but I like its bias, so it seems pretty normal and non-ideological to me. It covers main news stories that you'd see on NBC or smth, but also things that don't make the patriotic news, as well as critical viewpoints rather than the unwavering trust MSM has in their state department "anonymous sources" and so on.

Don't stop rooting out bias tho. E.g. I have a love-hate relationship with Jacobin, Globetrotter, and The Real News Network. They will have well written pieces, but much bias, generally in very niche ways. Usually I read them only in order to pull out pieces of info or the gist of the actual news theyre reporting on, rather than the meaning and analysis the author gives it. Keep in mind also that many writers write for one news outlet. In independent news, there is less editorial censorship and thus more diverse viewpoints. I remember one news outlet that i found from an article critiquing a right-wing astroturf attempt to discredit the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, and twist the events (protestors vs vigilante thugs, type thing) - and then 10 more stories following the exact script laid out by that article on the same news site, mostly by one author. That was kind of a trip.


>use RSS
Use a feed reader to aggregate updates from RSS feeds, Atom feeds and etc. You can do it for most news sites, most blog sites, on nitter (privacy-focused alternate front-end site for twitter.com), invidious (alt.front-end for YouTube) and all kinds of sites, all showing updates in one spot and without all the junk.
If you pick the right one, or if you use an online RSS Generator website, you can even generate feeds from websites that don't even supply them. That way, you can be notified if this thread gets a reply without even opening your web browser!

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Is there any difference to how a (well-studied) Marxist, a democratic socialist and an anarcho-communist will each define "socialism"? Is there any contradiction in their definitions?

How would each of them feel about the typical Wikipedia summary?
>Socialism is a political philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic and social systems, which are characterised by social ownership of the means of production,as opposed to private ownership.


Communists define socialism as when the poor people rise up and declass the rich.

Democratic socialists define socialism as raising taxes and giving the slaves a little more air condition.

Anarchocommunists define socialism as some magical fairyland.


>the fairy land that both the Spaniards and Diggers both accomplished before overthrown by other powers


The wikipedia definition is actually not too bad for an all-encompassing definition. This would include things like utopian socialism after all. Marxists would specify it's the mode of production (as would anarcho-communists) and that it's something that will emerge in a revolutionary rupture out of capitalism. Democratic socialists (distinct from social democrats) would say that socialism can be implemented through a series of gradual reforms until society is no longer recognizable as capitalist. Anarcho-communists would say you can and should abolish capitalism here and now and do it from the bottom up by directly seizing the means of production and from there reclaiming society for the working masses. So at a fundamental level there are pretty distinct approaches to the concept that are hard to reconcile.

Ma'am, this is /edu/.


>Communists define socialism as when the poor people rise up and declass the rich
What the fuck is wrong with you


Thanks comrade.

Can I get some feedback on this paragraph, in reference to the Wikipedia definition:
>This definition is very broad. This is because various types of socialist theory have different views on the specifics. For one example, a Marxist will understand socialism as a stage of societal and economic development following the capitalist mode of production and preceding communist society, not as an envisioned ideal utopia, but instead as whatever systems emerge from real attempts to surpass an existing capitalist society. Conversely, a utopian socialist will describe socialism as an imagined system which has achieved ideals such as a worker-controlled economy or various types of social equality. The utopian sees socialism as a specific system which a society can voluntarily establish, whereas a Marxist irreconcilably sees it as the material result emerging from the revolutionary rupture of an existing capitalist society. Another example of a fundamental contradiction is how an anarchist socialist will see socialism as a system that must be achieved from the bottom upwards through revolution, while a democratic socialist (not to be confused with social democrats) believes it can be achieved from the top downwards through government reform.

Target audience is average Joe Liquor; American.

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So I read The Rape of Nanking a couple weeks ago and something that kinda bothered me, that it wasn't only slightly alluded to in the book, was the mindset of the preparators

From what I've gathered, Prior to 1895, Japan as a whole pretty much had an inferiority complex towards China. China had won every single war with Japan up until that point (if you exclude that time the Mongols tried to invade with collaborating Chinese troops.) the fact that Chinese philosophies, culture, architecture etc heavily influenced Japan in question was well known. Many of Japan's late 20th century generals and even the more nationalistic ones in the 20th had great admiration for things such as Chinese poetry and literature. They couldn't get around the fact that China was essentially Japan's big brother in cultural and military terms for the vast majority of the two's existence.
However, after the first sino-jap war, in which the jap navy completely crushed the Qing navy, the illusion of Qing China being the superior older brother to Japan was completely dissolved in the eyes of the world. Japanese officers witnessed firsthand the miserably poor and awful starvation-tier conditions Chinese civilians lived under in the late stages of the Qing Dynasty. All their respect and apprehension of what they perceived to be a mysteriously powerful China.
so the fact that Japan had emerged as the dominant Eastern power after 2,000 years of Chinese dominance went straight to their fucking heads.(to say the least)
so the biggest reason is that the Japanese soldier was intentionally brainwashed and hammered into a fearless bloodthirsty wild animal by his superiors. Japanese officers in general were largely raised in sheltered, isolated military academies and believed in total racial holy war in which the entire population should die before surrender and had a strange form of contempt for their own civilian population because they weren't soldiers. (better to die as a shattered jewel; one hundred million shattered jewels.) The enlisted ranks were starved, humiliated and beaten to a pulp, sometimes even to death by their officers for even the smallest mistakes and infractions. they were bombarded with totalitarian propaganda from their first day out of their mothers' womb that they were the chosen heavenly master race, all their enemies were demonic insects with no exceptions, and that their only purpose in life was to slaughter and then die themselves as an expendablePost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Any books that go into detail how the Japanese were indoctrinated to think this way?


dan carlins hardcore history supernova in the east is pretty good/informative


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I'm in a pretty big dilemma.

My boyfriend claims he is interested in Marxism, yet has an incredibly negative outlook. He believes there will never be a revolution, all narratives of a grand redemption are a lie. He's also swallowed the western Buddhist bullshit (mixed with absurdism) full force; basically, he believes human existence is inevitably empty and absurd and that any attempts at building something bigger and better than ourselves is a mistake. He has a history of depression so that definitely informs his views as well.

He's also a huge fan of Zizek, whom I despise.

The two of us read books together, mostly on religion (Buddhism obviously) and psychology. I'm looking for Marxist texts that we could read together that would shake him out of (or at least question) his bullshit. Namely, I'm looking for books that have both 1. a generally positive outlook on communist revolution or building the communist project, 2. present a strong case for Marxism against rival/bourgeois ideologies, and 3. is philosophical.

Any suggestions would be great.
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You need to unfuck his understanding of philosophy first, and he's not going to jump into Capital (who would without being somewhat convinced of its use first) so that leaves other philosophers and history books. Similarly there's not point throwing any serious Marxist philosopher like Althusser at him because he hasn't read Capital, it'll just go over his head. That leaves:

Nietzsche or D&G. Deleuze is the safer bet. You can also just say fuck it and start with the greeks, skip Plato, read the illiad and then Aristotle.

A soft history book written by a Marxist could be good light reading, like Howard Zinn or TJ Clark for Art History.


Oh if I were to recommend a "Marxist" book it'd be Capitalist Realism, it's kinda retarded but its a good polemic against western mental health and Fisher is a good writer.


> capacity for cooperation
I tend to meme this shit hard, but if you want an actual corollary to > survival of the fittest look no further than everyone's favorite communist fanfiction author Kropotkin. He spent years in fucking Siberia showing that cooperation is just as important as competition in nature.

Don't read the bread book though, its fanfic tier.


How will reading Deleuze unfuck him?


wtf do those stirner and kim quotes have to do with each other lol

 No.13302[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm starting this after asking in reading general because there was some interest shown. A thread for the encouragement, maintenance, and organisation of different reading groups- a regular thread will be maintained in order for reading groups to rhizomatically organise. No specific topic of reading is mandated. I would like to start by organising a group, I have a few texts I would be interested in reading but would like to get any kind of feedback because I don't want to propose we read a book and then have a buncha people be like 'nooo i dont like that book' so here are some initial suggestions for what we could read to begin with:

CURRENT BOOK: engels' origin of the family (prehistoric society)

- Baruch Spinoza's 'Ethics'
- Vladimir Lenin's 'Imperialism, The Highest Stage of Capitalism'
- Murray Bookchin's 'Post-Scarcity Anarchism'
- Felix Guattari's 'Three Ecologies'
- Alfred North Whitehead's 'Process and Reality'
- Guy Debord's 'Society of the Spectacle'
- Theodor Adorno's 'Negative Dialectics'
- Fredy Perlman's 'Against His-Story, Against Leviathan'
- Friedrich Engel's 'The Origin of the Family'

We humbly invite you all! Feel free to organise and maintain your own group here!
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>it was interesting to me some of the developments of like how fishing and pottery play into human development.
Yup, and how the ones who chose to research animal husbandry got horsemen first.


ok. i gave u bitches enuf time to read and discuss. next chapter!!!


We are on chapter II, the family


I'd like to emphasize the end of this chapter


right, Morgan says (and Engels seems to be agreeing) that reproductive relations may still evolve with society


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Chapter III. The Iroquois Gens
>Outside the tribe was outside the law.
Nota Bene

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Hey y´all. I´m on a translating journey and I thought that others might benfit from a general thread for others that might be interested in the effort or to give their input.

Ill be translating from Spanish to English myself, but perhaps other anons will use this thread for other languages.
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did you find it?


Cambodia was socialist, only ultras don't understand this.


I think I sall the Holocaust in there tho?


Yes. I finally found the book. It's called Démocratie. Histoire politique d’un mot. Aux États-Unis et en France by Francis Dupuis-Déri (Democracy. Political History of a word. In the United States and France). Pdf related.

I've just started translating the book to English using Adobe Acrobat and a translator. I'll use this thread for updates and keep you guys posted on the progress. I don't think it should take ages to translate because, without counting the references/bibliography, the book is just 215 pages.


Sounds awesome


Any recommendations on works detailing how Japan became an imperialist economy from its third-world origins?

I'm well aware that Japan and USSR are the two Third World "success stories"(with the latter being used by shitlibs to justify imperialism in my experience) but I have no concrete knowledge on how they became this way. I would like to fix that weakness.
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>in russian
>hour and a half of subtitles

I might as well just read a book. Do you have a book?


How do you watch foreign media man


When I watch a kurosawa movie I'm watching a movie. Subtitles are fine. But like, why would I watch a 2 hour documentary in another language when I could just read a book.



Isolationism during the Tokugawa Shogunate produced a powerful and independent urban bourgeoisie, and the mass importing of industrial equipment from Europe and America and mercantilist policies during the Meiji Era established soft power over mainland Asia
Kozo Uno kind of discusses it in this book, alongside the other big monopoly powers of the late 19th early 20th century

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I mean like are they actually working toward socialism considering they're pretty much a nationalist state heavily relying on state capitalism for funding right now? At this point, they're more likely to turn into the next globalist world power if they do manage to outlast the US.
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haliburton reconstruction contracts


no youre right king everything should be owned by porky but go off i guess


yeah exactly what i said well done


counterpoint: socdem parties dont ever get shit done

I'll take overtly violent socdems where some of the members do genuinely want to do a socialism other neoliberalism that shit not even a competition


They get as much shit done as China in that regard
Once again, if the height of your radicalism is just a wish for mild socdem reforms you might as well be honest about it

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