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/edu/ - Education

'The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism of the weapon, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.' - Karl Marx
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A list of reading groups and their schedules that have chosen to advertise themselves here. Take a minute to check them out. If you would like to promote your reading group, feel free to leave a comment telling people where they can go.

>>5912 /read/

>>6162 Continental Floppa
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>no Lenin, Stalin, or Mao



Holy KEK

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 No.9298[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

ITT: resources and tips about navigating the Internet and researching topics

Feel free to post your own resources and tips too.

I'm going to post a lot of my own that I have gathered over the years.
I ask that random chit-chat in this thread is kept to a minimum except regarding technical questions & answers on the topic matter.
This is so that resources are kept as compact as possible, and so, readable.

First I'll dump resources and tips for researching various topics.
Note: I don't even have access to or use some of these myself (e.g. LexisNexis which seems to be pay-to-use), but I figure they could be helpful in some narrow cases. I use most of these myself. If the initial things I post don't interest you, keep reading anyway. I'm going to be dumping a lot of content.

Find key terms in newspapers and magazines.
I would say this is more helpful for finding sources that do exist rather than for reading them, per se. You can try to read the articles elsewhere than PressReader if you know their titles or part of their body text. The site appears to brand itself as pay-to-use, however you can use the search tool anyway and even read some resulting articles.
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Currently reading this. This book is terrifying, amazing and probably the most important thing you can currently read.


Reading group for Volume 1 of Capital. The reading pace will adjust to suit the group, but we will aim for an average of 1 chapter per week, starting slower and speeding up as we move from abstract to concrete toward the end.

The Book
The version we are using as our standard is the Penguin Classics edition (attached .epub) but others including other languages are fine. We are only planning to read Volume 1 currently.
There has also been an audiobook suggested which matches this version of the text and may be useful to helping read it.
Audiobook: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUjbFtkcDBlSHVigHHx_wjaeWmDN2W-h8

The Format
This thread is intended for
<announcements and updates
<supplementary material.
<long-form posts, effortposts, OC
<slower discussion in general
The matrix chat is intended for
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What is relative surplus value? Idk, it sounds like something to do with prices but I can't really wrap my head around how it is different from normal surplus value.


Reposting an effortpost from a while back about Super-Profit

Let’s say that the average television takes 1 hour to make. 1 hour is the SNLT for televisions. But the owner of the ACME TV factory invests in some fancy new machines that make his workers twice as productive. They can now make a television in 30 minutes. They are producing way below the SNLT. This allows ACME to produce twice as many televisions in the same amount of time.

Now if ACME sold their new TV at half the old price they wouldn’t make any more money than before and there would have been no point in investing in all that new stuff. Rather than sell them at their individual value (30 minutes) they continue to sell them at the SNLT (1 hour), or perhaps just under the SNLT in order to out-sell their rivals. Because the price of TVs hasn’t changed significantly there is still the same demand from consumers for TVs, but now there is a giant surplus of TVs on the market because ACME has been making twice as many TVs. ACME’s rivals won’t be able to sell all of their TVs. Part of their product will go unsold. Meanwhile ACME will sell most of their TVs at the SNLT, making not just their normal profit, but an additional “super-profit” because they sold their TVs above their individual values by selling at or near the SNLT.

Profit vs. super-profit

Profit comes from exploiting workers. The only way to turn money into more money is to invest it in workers, or to be precise, in labor power, the only commodity which can produce more value than it costs. (This is all covered in the video “Law of Value 5: Contradictions”.) When ACME sells TVs at under the SNLT they don’t just reap their normal profits from exploiting workers. They also get super-profits: profit appropriated in exchange because their TVs are made at under the SNLT.

It is this race for super-profits that drives much of the technological dynamism of a capitalist society as capitalists compete to constantly lower SNLT. By doing so capitalists don’t just exploit value from workers. They also appropriate value in exchange.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hb6dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


"Determined" by Robert Sapolsky challenges fundamental notions of human agency and free will, delving into the intricate web of causality that shapes human behavior. In this thought-provoking exploration, Sapolsky navigates the complex terrain of neuroscience, genetics, and psychology to argue that our actions are deeply rooted in biological and environmental influences, leaving little room for the traditional concept of free will.

Sapolsky's examination of determinism holds particular relevance to leftist thought, which often emphasizes systemic analysis and critiques of established power structures. By dismantling the notion of individual agency as traditionally understood, Sapolsky's work aligns with leftist critiques of neoliberalism and meritocracy, which often attribute social and economic inequalities to structural factors rather than personal responsibility.

Moreover, Sapolsky's emphasis on the role of luck and circumstance in shaping human outcomes resonates with leftist critiques of capitalism's inherent injustices and unequal distribution of opportunities. From a leftist perspective, Sapolsky's argument underscores the need for collective responsibility and societal interventions to address systemic inequalities and create a more equitable world.

Furthermore, Sapolsky's humane approach to grappling with the implications of determinism aligns with leftist values of compassion and solidarity. His advocacy for forgiveness and understanding in the face of moral dilemmas reflects a commitment to empathy and social justice, principles that are central to many leftist movements.

In conclusion, "Determined" offers a compelling exploration of free will that intersects with key themes and concerns of leftist thought, making it a relevant and thought-provoking read for those interested in understanding the complexities of human behavior within broader socio-political contexts.
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You are taking yourself way too seriously man. What do you mean „we should“? You‘re on an anonymous imageboard.


>genetics are mediated by environment
>environment is affected by personal choices
>use minor amount of free will to act to change environment
>environment changes genetic expression
>gain more free will
nothin personnel, evopsychoids


>What do you mean „we should“?
Regarding the socialist response to hegemonic moral philosophy, what else?


Torrent for audiobook (m4b format, apple itunes).


Actually what you wrote is in line with the theory of human self-domestication, promoted by many evopsych types.

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>Historical events, states and peoples with cool names
'The expedition of the thousand', 'Triarchy of Negroponte', 'The Battle of the Crater' and 'The Boxer rebellion'
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Sicarii (dagger men)


Cromwell was called "Angry Heaven's Flame" after what he did in Ireland


>Afterwards, on the refusal of Alyattes to give up his suppliants when Cyaxares sent to demand them of him, war broke out between the Lydians and the Medes, and continued for five years, with various success. In the course of it the Medes gained many victories over the Lydians, and the Lydians also gained many victories over the Medes. Among their other battles there was one night engagement. As, however, the balance had not inclined in favour of either nation, another combat took place in the sixth year, in the course of which, just as the battle was growing warm, day was on a sudden changed into night. This event had been foretold by Thales, the Milesian, who forewarned the Ionians of it, fixing for it the very year in which it actually took place. *The Medes and Lydians, when they observed the change, ceased fighting, and were alike anxious to have terms of peace agreed on.*
lmao damn


>Communist board
<Not a single nigha said “The Long March” yet


><Not a single nigha said “The Long March” yet
sounds like a gay parade tbh

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What are the primary differences between the Asiatic mode of production and feudalism?
Did only china go through this stage? Or korea too?
I know Japan's feudalism mirrored Europe's, but have no idea about pre-industrial Korea.

Pic is unrelated I just think it's cool
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“…Throughout the entire post-primitive history of mankind,” the review states, “each of the indisputable methods of production for Marxists was represented by two parallel social systems, one of which was based on private ownership of the means of production, and the other on state ownership. Thus, the slave system had its correspondence in statism-I, feudalism - in statism-II, and capitalism - in statism-III” (p. 122) [ 2 ].

One can guess that under statism-I A.N. Tarasov understands the social system that existed in the countries of the Ancient East, under statism-II - the social system of the states of the medieval East, under statism-III - the social system of the USSR and other countries of the so-called. "socialist" camp.


What are the different forms of 'asiatic mode'?


Feudalism absolutely existed, people claiming it didn’t because it wasn’t codified and the same in all locations are aggressively retarded, one of the main features of feudalism is the lack of codification, and no social system is identical in all of its iterations in all locations

Read Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism by Perry Anderson instead of retarded Canadian contrarians


Read Samir Amin.


>>22006 (me)
This goes for all of you fags. Thread is a trainwreck. You're welcome.

 No.19860[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Everytime you visit /edu/, post in this thread. Tell us about what you're thinking about, what you're reading, an interesting thing you have learned today, anything! Just be sure to pop in and say hi.

Previous thread >>>/leftypol_archive/580500
Archive of previous thread

Excuse me coming through
A quick note on the video @ >>>/leftypol/1538283
Also [vid related] for archival purposes

Around the 29 minute mark Peterson criticizes Marx and Engel's for assuming that workers would magically become more productive once they took over.

This actually happened historically, most of the actually effective productivity tricks work places use now were developed by Stakhanovites.

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I'm just new here and trying to figure out how to use this website. I've never used 4chan or such (actually, i thought this site was a board on 4chan, and i spent few minutes there to find here).


I was referring to the argument that the kulaks were never rigidly defined or easily identified.


There's an article in City & State New York that attempts to summarize relevant data up to 2018 that I found later, if nothing else.


I've started theory as history by banaji, main thrust seems to be that a mode of production isn't necessarily equal to one form of exploitation. In that vein he kinda attacks "stageism". Honestly the only "theory" I've read is a bit of Capital 1, some Marx pamphlets/speeches about commodity productions and what G. E. M. de Ste. Croix and Perry Andersen say about modes of production and commodity production in their two big books about the classical Mediterranean so some things are going over my head but I'm liking it. Feel like I might want to buy it for myself one day since this is just a copy I asked my library to get me


Finished Marx and Marxism by Gregory Claeys (2018). This guy is apparently a distinguished professor and expert on the history of political thought. I would have never guessed that from reading this. It seems like an even-handed take at first with direct references, but as it goes on, outrageous quotes by Lenin, Stalin, Mao pile up and the sources turn out to be spooky western cold warriors. Or there is no source at all like when he says that Marx claimed us proles to be particularly
or that Wilhelm Reich
<was threatened with execution by some communists for introducing these issues
Meaning "these issues":
<the proletariat’s suppressed sexual urges prevented it from achieving political consciousness.
So this Reich guy is important enough to mention, and the usual lot of Frankfurt school plonkers. Who doesn't make the cut? There is no Strumilin, no Kantorovich, no Piero Sraffa. The author talks in dismissive tone of
<the weaknesses in Marx’s economics
but almost nowhere describes the economics of Marx, never mind some actual criticism. There is nothing here on the transformation problem, despite the length of this book. A few sentences on the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is all you will get here (without even relating that to organic composition of capital). For the most part, he doesn't really criticize, but gestures that he is about to do criticism, like he "criticizes" Marx for his
<‘scientific’ nature of the theory of surplus value, while excluding other theories of exploitation
and then… no alternative theory of exploitation follows after this. He doesn't care to make an actual argument for his positions. Just assert, assert, assert. What is his realistic alternative to Marxism?
<Pleas for a universal basic income become increasingly plausible as we move towards both more skeletal welfare systems and a persistent shortage of well-paid jobs.
Uneducated person that I am, my guess would be that an establishment that is hostile towards decent welfare is also hostile to the idea of a guaranteed basic income, and will do no more than copy the name to mislabel a policy (meaning you are ✌guaranteed✌ the ✌universal✌ income as long as no exceptiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Less about the parasocial more about the signal.

Less about subscribing to an individual podcast, more about listening to individual episodes and why that episode resonated.

Not videos. This is a chance for you to educate yourself while working, doing chores or exercising.

I'll go first. This episode of politics theory other was memorable because it made me reconsider the intersection of sex and politics, particularly as someone who sees themselves as becoming more skeptical about everything surrounding idpol as it's being co-opted and weaponized.

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Fair point but you can't read while doing what's required daily to be an effective political citizen. Like some cardio and calisthenics, cooking healthy food, cleaning and chores. You do all that on the daily right anon?

Dr. Cornel West is interviewed by his peer (imo) Pascal Robert on the Mau Mau Hour on This Is Revolution podcast's last episode. Listening now and he's giving comprehensive answers. He's defining himself as a workers council communist not a revolutionary vanguard communist replying to the first question. Alright then.
Can post it here if it's not on the feed.


>dammit, we gave the DeSantis sonnenrad wunderkind the soapiest interview back in 21 and our patreon pigs are making enough noise about it to affect our real careers and standing
>what do
>sorry not sorry, we are non-confrontational by nature, the WORK that we do is hard and professional interpersonal relationships are also hard
>also I kind of like conservatives anyway
pretty educational


The Intifada Podcast discusses Dugin, part 1. It's pretty educational, they give a lot of historical context that most people will be unaware of. Two years ago was the time for this episode.


when im working full time and with long commutes audiobooks and good podcasts are a great alternative, stressing the purity of the book is counterproductive when most people do nothing to educate themselves. also plenty of people who have trouble reading for various other reasons that are more likely to listen to a podcast, i find its helpful to be familiar with a range of educational podcasts to be able to recommend to people who are sharp and curious but dont read


You better appreciate this anons, it took some time to figure out how to shrink the mp3
American exception recent Patreon episode. Why is it notable? It includes a close reading of brand new less redacted transcripts of the testimony of James Jesus Angleton from the 1975 Church Commitee Hearings. This is the guy who on his deathbed admitted that they thought they were kings of the world and admitted that he was going to hell. Not much consolation to Indonesian communists.
>TLDR Here's previously unknown specifics on how Israel exerted control on US foreign policy beyond Presidential authority.
The first half of the episode is nbd also, just Col Lawrence Wilkerson admitting culpability for misleading the world and the UN on WMD.

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 No.1250[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Drop those PDF's or else
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Reference bible. You never know when you might need it.



Some Postmodern stuff


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Hand over the books /edu/ or porkies wont get hurt.



Nuclear Atomic Science Thread
General thread for discussing, studying, engineering and understanding Nuclear/Atomic/Thermonuclear and other related or comparative energy releases or sources. Both nuclear weapons and nuclear powerplants apply. Post photos, illustrations, text, documents, blueprints, articles and studies related to the topic. Limited memes also permissible.
Posadists… make sure to take meds before posting.

Chernobyl thread >>>/hobby/9068
List of US Nuclear Manuals and regulatory instructions: https://www.nrc.gov/docs/ML1536/
Nuclear Energy in Space https://archive.ph/ei3Jg

List of Soviet scientists and officers responsible for the USSR's nuclear technology in alphabetical order:

Nuclear Fusion vs Fission: https://archive.is/Qlgoy
What is an Atomic Reactor: https://archive.ph/1W1jO
What is a Nuclear Bomb: https://archive.is/H29Hl
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Extracting uranium from seawater looks cool, not only as a more sustainable way of getting U but also for remediation


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If the Fukushima Water Dump is so harmless, then why was there such concern across the world when a little more than 5 tons of (radioactive) water leaked out? News outlets from all over the world were alarmed, and Japan has a long history of brushing environmental health concerns under the rug and denying impacts, there's a reason The Four Big Pollution Diseases of Japan is an actual title.


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New German bacterial experiments found a radiation consuming bacteria. Reminds me of the radiation eating black fungus talked about a while back, relative to Chernobyl.



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