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which one are you most guilty of?
which done triggers you the most?
which one don't you give a fuck about?
which one would you marry?
which one would you fuck?
which one would you kill?


>which one are you most guilty of?
slippery slope
>which done triggers you the most?
Red Herring
>which one don't you give a fuck about?
ecological fallacy
>which one would you marry?
Vacuous Truth just to unnerve people
>which one would you fuck?
sex is for neanderthals, fuck that
>which one would you kill?
Red Herring


>sex is for neanderthals, fuck that
i'm happy that you're asexual and are able to avoid what most people go through but I assure you we aren't dumb, we're just made that way.


>we aren't dumb, we're just made that way.
special pleading

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I am a male prostitute AMA
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i'm dissapointed in you for not answering the people in this thread. a curse upon your kin.


You're not Petit bourgeois what are you saying lol
Sad :(
I have several gay friends that do sex work. One does only fans, the other does only fans, and a host of other things, including prostitution, gogo dance, bachelor parties. I guess I can answer on his behalf?

So this is my friend, not me. He's a very close friend I've known for more than a decade.
Bottom. Power bottom, but also slave.
Varied but not young. Usually middle aged though, like 40-60s. For bachelor parties, well younger, 30s.

Usually monied. Usually very respectful.
My friend isn't a full time prostitute, just sometimes accepts money from guys on grindr.
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a prostitute would be lumpen, retard


Have you ever read infinite jest? You should read the chapters about Matty the male prostitute if nothing else.


what is the meaning of life

between CNY 5.55 and CNY 11.10 per kilogram


Based off of this song



Bumism, is being, a bum! Not being a neet, neets live off of their parents hard work, neets live off of the people around them, neets suck all they can while going around on workers online, taunting them, making fun of them, torturing them, being a piece of the so called cage that "Neet", while he sits on the computer posting with those that seek to eat the wagie and suck more mental exhaustion out of him. Neet is a product of white supremacist culture, a result of privilege, and abuse of those around you.

BE A BUM! If ur from a capitalist family, suck from their profits and work online to fight those who work against workers, if ur parents work their whole lives, tell them you love them, tell them ur appreciative for everything you've helped provide them! Learning and reading theory isn't even necessary, to be a bum, all you gotta do is stand for the workers, if ur with ur family, do ur best around the place you live to send the message around, be friends with the wagie, help the wagie, enrage those who seek to harass and put down the wagie when u can, and play video games, be a bum! Don't work! All you have to do is have a heart, help out, and do the best you can. Send letters to fellow anarchists, form communities, and well. It's pretty easy to be a bum, all you have to do in ur buming around is fuck around, do things to confuse the cops, do things to confuse the capitalist, and go about causing chaos where you can. Don't care, just help hold the arms of those who keep up that ability of neetism and cast down those who don't, and Hallelujah, you'll be a bum again! Down with neets, and up with the bums!

Would any anons like to add on?

It's basically just being a neet, but instead of having allegiance to capitalists, your allegiance is with workers and holding those up who help you be a bum

Why go on forums to troll casual working people when you can troll the people who hurt those who help you live in comfort?
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it's not meant to be revolutionary praxis, it's meant to help fight a form of societal parasitism that hurts proles and helps let us know who's allies and who's not

karl marx provided something though, neets do not provide much for their worker or the people who help make sure they even have a place that allows them to sleep or be fed while even disgrace most things that lead to those conditions


I will do my part


>>522201 in the coming time though, if it could be possible if we ever have people of many out there just waiting ready to over throw what's there with guns, one can only hope we can count on the bums to help us in a revolutionary way needed be if we have some guns to hand to them in helping us all out



the group chat my friends and I are in is called bummunism

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found this article about german ww2 veterans and soviet ww2 veterans meeting again in the same city in 1997.

why are there more events of american and german/japanese/italian ww2 veterans meeting up than of soviets and germans?

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OK I looked it up and there are graves.




Maybe because you don't speak German or Russian. You only know this story because an American was there.


This sounds like a fake story/propaganda to push the Clean Wehrmacht myth which is very common for American media post-WW2/Cold War in order to rehabilitate German militarism.


wholsome 100


What's up with chinlets doing this "we wuz annie may n sheiiit" stuff? It's even weirder when they do it right alongside trying to make fun of black people for thinking some ambiguously dark skinned character is black. If I didn't know any better I'd assume that was the joke.
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>anime is stealth furry


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>Self hating japs
Now ive seen everything
>Wide nose japanese
>Eyes extremely far apart
>drawing purposefully slouched over with wide waist and misformed legs
>Eyes placed too high up on the face compared to irl
Japanese incels. Maybe they should study their own anatomy more.



I'm pretty Japanese people aren't clones of each other and there is some variation in appearance within their population. And like pretty much everywhere, most artists draw character who match some beauty standards rather than ugly people.


They do have Asian looking charaters in anime as rsre as it maybe and tgey do look cute.

I would actually like to see Sakura have an Asian look rather than an Angloid one.

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He was 100% right thi


The eternal Lassallean strikes again.

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Which group would you give the ability to predict and change the future with 99.98% accuracy?


>Communist Party of China
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why not?


gay and white


as opposed to gay and asian?


What does accuracy even mean in this context?
Makes more sense to measure in terms of how far ahead you can see and how much time/energy it takes to check alternate timelines.


Thinking about boys i see…

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>he's from a low t country
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that's not what I meant dingus, I meant that machismo is fascist


thats an even dumber definition of fascism


lol now you're just trolling at this point


Total Proletarian Victory


Capitalist cvcks fear the Prole-bvll

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is it bad I always rooted for the bad guy in all of these?
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a whole generation of chvddies was raised and pastured on these


Sex with me have SEX WITH ME NOW. Sex with me reply to my messages you want to have sex with me!!!


Die Hard's villians are more easy to root for especially the first and third ones since they're really just East Germans robbing the wealthy(Japanese Corporatation and America's gold reserve).


Umm yikety yikes sweaty

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What is the material explanation for this??
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Cocaine probably


cocky no longer boing boing




Ok this is just ridiculous. How can you fire someone for being horny on main? He's not even the spokesperson for target or anything


he's a comedian

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