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Post more pictures of this chick. 420-chan or whatever the fuck her name is.
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>The German movement was the most powerful anti-smoking movement in the world during the 1930s and early 1940s.


huh. you learn more every day. whoops. I didn't know about that. Still, the wehrmacht got cigarette rations, so they clearly didn't care that much


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I drew this a long time ago





Is there a Marxist argument for supporting Taiwan, Ukraine and Israel instead of China, Russia and Palestine?
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>A stage of capitalism, not a government program, so no.
it is to our eternal chagrin that lenin used a term that already had its own separate definition in the context of classical history to describe an advanced stage of capitalism, rather than coming up with a neologism, because it results in a lot of (perhaps deliberate) confusion when it comes to educating people


>taking what nazis say at face value
lmao that faggot knew exactly what 1488 meant


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Even if he didn't, it doesn't matter. What makes him a nazi is that he is a far right reactionary committing genocide on fellow slavs in Donbass and Luhask at the behest of imperial core neoliberals. Jewish Supremacists in Israel are also nazis. Nazism has evolved. The new neo-nazism is less about antisemitism, and more about The West vs. The Rest.



"They are accelerating the inherent contradictions of capital that will bring about the socialist revolution"
Accelerationism gang 🥶

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 No.427791[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>no muscle girl thread for months
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That's all folks


Gay porn? That's what you get when searching for muscles?


I was looking through a database that collates stuff from twitter so there was a lot of different results that had to be sorted


Alright people, let's get this one archived

 No.508684[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

They’ve been confirmed for astroturf, right?
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>I am asking you what source is reliable
<Spoonfeed me!
How about Russian law or statistical data instead of a rag with no sources.
>2011 review of Russian Reproductive Health

>Statistical analysis of Russian attitudes towards abortion and the Government's role in it as of 2022
Don't be a retard and actually do research, the internet is at your fingertips.

>the "3/10 glow-bait" would still be the most reliable source of information, and as such for all practical purposes considered trustworthy

So instead of not knowing something you'll trust in a LIE? It's better to be uninformed, than misinformed, since the latter taints your view and understanding of things.

Also consciously believing in a literal glowie rag despite knowing it's probably bunk is genuinely worse than the religious zealots this threads 'dunks' on since at least they genuinely believe what they say and do is the truth, and don't just accept it because "oh it's the only thing I know lol"


Happy May Day from PAAU!


And this paper from 2011 and an opinion poll debunks article about Russian governments recent anti-abortion policies how exactly?


Fuck the prison system but I can’t feel bad when the opps (potentially) die.


>Not actually addressing the papers
>just a poll!
LOL Not an argument, embarrassing that a Tor post is better than your cope.

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On today's episode of how would gabamonismus fix this?
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Hardcore porn is just disturbing after you start having sex. Just decriminalize prostitution and shit like this is fixed overnight


i exclusively uncritically consume problematic media and then do everything depicted in said media IRL


>Hardcore porn is just disturbing after you start having sex.


Mandatory hentai studies, especially furry hentai, so the kids develop less psycotic sexual preferences by the time they're out on the field.
Also mandatory gaming literacy and crafts* courses so that the kids aren't so bored they're trying to date at the age of twelve.

*Idk what this Is called because burger school with no money. The class(es?) where you 3D print stuff and make robots and carve wood.


Naw, bro. I just fuck em


I need to be ball busted like this IRL, but women shouldn't need my consent and should tie me up and leave me to my fate when they're done. Seriously, tie me up naked, ballbust me until I'm barely conscious, lock me in an abandoned house and throw away the key! What's a simp more or less? >///<
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based zoomers weeding out their own shitty genes


Weeding out our shitty genes with the haircuts? Damn! What is me paying women to ballbust me by comparison?


Also, I found several women who are willing to ballbust me, tie me up, and leave me to my fate (i.e. if I can't escape then it's my problem - which is guaranteed as they say they want to completely mummify me with duct tape). I'm seriously thinking of going for it… I know people will think I'm just shitposting but this is 100% true.


hot but move to siberia


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thats right KKKraKKKer. robespierre was BLACK
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L Ron Hoyle Bembay.

*Turn that poop into wine*


>interrupting the combo


getting a combo on a slow board like leftypol is really not a big deal


read Black Jacobins

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I'm pretty shook up tbh, I figured this was at least pretty anonymous for most types of posting, and I didn't think I'd broken any laws with any of what I've Said. Basically I was just sitting on the couch minding my own business reading a book about slime molds when I hear a heavy knocking on the door, I wasn't expecting anyone but my neighbor is a bit nuts and I thought it might be him, but when I opened the door it was two individuals, a large man and a large woman, and they identified themselves as with the FBI and said that they were here "to talk to me about some posts I'd been making on the forum leftypol"! I couldn't Believe it when the lady agent opened a folder and took out a ruler and compass set. "Mr anon, we see here on your post dated tenth February that you stated your penis was "above average" in length, yet our database has your recorded length as 3.75 inches, well below the national average"

I was shaking and said that it was a profound overreach of the state and first amendment violation to be harassing people about the stated size of their members, and that for one thing there are huge variations in measurement protocols and hardness variations, but she laughed and said the first amendment covers "what comes out of the mouth not what you put into it" which I didn't understand at all. The male officer grabbed me and, well, they performed some tests and Said that they would "set the record straight" and that I am never to misrepresent the data again.

I'm absolutely shaking, I thought this was a free country, but it's worse than Nazi Ukraine.

When they were leaving the male officer cautioned me that also I was gay, and that was going in the files, so now that's official as well.

It's all just fun and games until it isn't
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just realized there's not good euphemisms for penis starting with b. federal baloney pony inspector just doesn't work.


based. I hate that I live in a shitty country (UK) where you don't have the right to remain silent and the courts can use that fact against you at trial. still probably a better idea than talking to the cops though


Holy shit this is just like 1984


nowhere was attaching a cage of rats to his genitals mentioned in this story


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>I couldn't Believe it when the lady agent opened a folder and took out a ruler and compass set. "Mr anon, we see here on your post dated tenth February that you stated your penis was "above average" in length, yet our database has your recorded length as 3.75 inches, well below the national average"
Fucking KEK

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 No.425897[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Indictment edition
Previous thread:
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where's the jakked version of the good reset


At this point i believe a lot of online rightoidism is just people LARPINg. Just like a lot of online leftists


American "trad" reaction is an aesthetic in search of a politics. They get this image in their heads of an idyllic 19th century countryside populated by a 20th-century family, and then work backwards from there. At no point do they stop to consider if this end is sustainable or even makes any sense, because they've already made up their minds that this very specific yet at the same time highly vague thing is what they want, reality be damned!


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In this house we stand for the flag, kneel for the cross, and drink our corn syrup.


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Recommend me tunes, soundbytes, riffs, etc. that can act as my alarm clock sound. I need something nice to wake up to.
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You don't need to send B to 6030 to obtain Bebeton


Works every time.


I don't use songs I like as alarms because I'm going to end up hating them.


I've had this song as my alarm ever since I played the damn game. Nightmare fuel that forces you to sit up in a cold sweat


that shit kinda go hard though

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