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Step 1: Buy a dry herb vaporizer like the crafty+ by storz and bickel. It must have an adjustable tempurature.
Step 2: buy lavender buds, tea tree oil, and blue lotus or whatever other herb you want to vape with the lavender. Do NOT mix lavender with weed or nicotine - they wont vaporize at the tempurature required for lavender to be safe.
Step 3: bathe in tea tree oil a couple of times per week. Mix the lavender with the blue lotus and vaporize them at 140° Celsius (or 284 Fahrenheit). Vape whenever you want.
Tea tree oil and lavender both have estrogenic effects on the body. Combine it with a testosterone blocker, preferably bicalutamide, for best results.
Tea tree oil has antifungal and anti UTI effects. It's great for baths but you could probably vape it just like any other essential oil. It burns if you bathe long enough. You'll want to shower after you bathe to wash the bathwater off. The shower doesnt need to take a long time at all since you'll already be clean though.
Lavender makes you relax. It shouldnt be vaped above 140°C though because that causes the terpenes to convert into toxic fumes. It must be mixed with something unless you enjoy the flavor of pure mint.
Blue lotus is an anti-psychotic with effects similar to CBD, although it does make aches and pains more noticable. It helps you lucid dream btw if you vape before bed.
Optional: get a pregnant horse to pee into a bucket so you can dry the pee into premarin salts, a combination of progesterone and estradiol.
Problem, pharmaceutical industry?
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i know who shay is
anyone can post with that shitty flag


nuh uh, i believe there's only one person posting on a given flag on this anonymous imageboard


There's a minecraft mod where you do the horse pee thing to get a celeste dash.


Just buy diy injectable hrt. It's not that fucking hard and it actually works.


I’m glad I was born female, this seems like a lot of work

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Hey guys look at us were politikin wow so opinions its so deep man its so deep and we are so cool.

>Stop holding out on us, where is 420chan?


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This, I typed 420chan.org to talk fuckin' drugs and there isn't even a drugs board here


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This, I typed 420chan.org to talk fuckin' drugs and there isn't even a drugs board here

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why is history education in fatland so shit?? In all my 12 years of schooling we never talked about anything from the 80s and 90s. and we barely scraped the 70s.
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south sudan because the material is short enough to memorize, country is only 13 years of history


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>That was the last decade the US gave a shit about public education spending to try to one-up the Soviets in the Space Race. Literally the only reason they invested in education was because they were worried about communist world domination. *Public school boards *haven't gotten funding to pay for new textbooks since
Are you actually a booger or just giving your retarded opinion? The oldest text books we had were less than a decade old at most.

Funny I was talking about our history education here before and I was posting about how we have like dozens of material about China over the years and some Australian anon was saying they didn't teach jack shit about China in Australian school. Just yesterday I was watching an interview with the Channel 5 guy complaining he had to learn about the dynastic cycle of China 3 times in his schooling.




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American curriculum isn't the problem. The problem is the students hands down. But if you're not college bound what the fuck does anything matter besides the GED/diploma? Employers aren't checking your high school transcripts for your fucking grades. You pass or you fail.


>Are you actually a booger or just giving your retarded opinion? The oldest text books we had were less than a decade old at most.
Half shitposting half real: some places in the US are genuinely that bad


>That was the last decade the US gave a shit about public education spending to try to one-up the Soviets in the Space Race. Literally the only reason they invested in education was because they were worried about communist world domination. *Public school boards *haven't gotten funding to pay for new textbooks since
This applies broadly to every facet of governance, not just education. Infrastructure, R&D, Health, everything. Not just in the US. It can be seen all over the west.
>Oh Damn, the Soviets aren't actually a threat to us any more. The fools aren't willing to genocide for profit. Let's quit public spending, privatize everything and offshore everything else. History will soon be over, we're gonna win!

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gee, it sure is boring nothing ever happens around here

mah boi, this peace nothingburger is what all true warriors strive for!


All warriors strive for peace
How can we protect if we retreat?
My boy needs help
My boy needs aid
My ship sails now
Time to show
Why i am king
Time to pay
Show no mercy

Going to scrub this land
It's time
Hyrule must take a stand
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


the very gemulation of gemistry



ITT we make fun of people who do crossfit because of how pretentious they are.
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Other people want the wrong things.


>you can achieve the body you want by walking


They said "good body composition", not "the body you want". Of course walking won't turn you into a girl.


Just change your entire bone structure bro


Walking won't build more than very marginal muscle mass. Heavy resistance training is good both for stressing your muslces, bones, nerves, and cardiovascular system, but increased muscle mass is actually good for your health. As long as you don't take it to an extreme. It can literally help you avoid diseases and keep your quality of life higher as you age (especially for women btw, e.g. strength training helping prevent osteoporosis).


discuss this quote
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>Systemic racism comes from capitalism but not racism as such,
<anarchism flag
literally every foundational anarchist philosopher was a Jew hating proto-nazi lol


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this is a classic wittgenstein language game issue. in popular colloquial language, people use "racism" to refer to interpersonal prejudice. But in Academic/Marxists circles, people use "racism" to refer to systems of discrimination that are downstream from economics and arise out of the mode of production. Thus there is confusion when one party wishes to speak informally about interpersonal prejudice using "racism" and another party wishes to speak academically about systemic injustice using "racism."

One solution might be for all parties to be more clear on definitions, but in fast moving conversation this emphasis on definitions can be seen as pedantic, annoying, or even slow-witted. We are capable of making more distinctions and being more nuanced, but it is difficult to expand our vocabulary to match what is inside our heads without coining neologisms all the time. Language is social and cultural so even if we were to make up new words to encapsulate the distinctions we are trying to make, they wouldn't catch on without mass adoption.


That's why it's not enough to be a communist; we also have to be anarchists.


>literally every foundational anarchist philosopher was a Jew hating proto-nazi lol
Anarchism is as old as people, same as communism. The fact that a lot of anarchists (and communists btw) were antisemites is simply a reflection of Europe's social conditions. If the modern socialist movement had first emerged in Africa, SW Asia, or China then socialism wouldn't have that historical baggage (it would have different historical baggage specific to those places).


<we should improve society somewhat
>but you hold views imposed upon you by society

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Exhibitionism thread.

Post pics/video of people being freaky in public.


Bachelorette Gets Her Buzz On With Remote Controlled Vibrating Panties On Hollywood & Vine


What's "freaky" about putting a leash on and then walking like it's not even there?


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Well I had to start with a SFW pic for the OP.


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Also your vid is hot. Post moar.


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If you believe the ancients every single conflict happened because of sex. Rome became a republic because the royal heir raped someone, the Trojan war happened because a guy ran off with someone's wife, and Israel descended into a civil war because a prince was pissed off about his sister being raped by their half-brother. There is no heroic conflict in the Mythical era that happened because, i don't know , a king decided to tax the priests too much without giving them political representation.
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doki doki waku waku


>every single conflict happened because of sex
*property ownership rights
Under ruling class capitalist ideology, women are sex slave objects that can be traded around like cattle. That's why we talk about "animal HUSBANDry"


>doesn't mention that Aphrodite was literally born from the coom of Uranus


If you think about it, property ownership rights are kind of like sex.


>That's why we talk about "animal HUSBANDry"
Anon that's just English being weird and has no actual ties to the domestication of animals which occurred thousands of years before Anglos even existed

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you can be gay in Iran tho, they just force you to transition


You mean Christianity?



Neither. Abrahamism causes perversion and violence, furry porn and videogames are the cure.



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is harry potter the liberal bible?
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Don't play dumb, you know what you did.


Harry Potter = Liberal Bible
Warrior Cats = Leftist (furry albeit) Bible

What YA novel series would be the Chvd Bible


Well go ahead and post it then. I generally agree with RuPaul to be honest, we're all wearing drag in some form baby!


>Vulnerable to the competition transwomen represent. Nowadays more and more men are preferring them to "natural" women and this is making someone bitter
Speaking of demonic neoliberal ideology, that is literally the premise to one of the most psychotic RuPaul songs


>Blocked in my country


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