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According to this meme man, having sex with a woman makes you gay
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I don't think having séx makes you gay but the feigned affection during the lead up


is it gay to have séx with women if you're also one or does this only apply to men


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is it gay to goon?



absolutely straight, if you like someone that doesn't like dick it makes you 100% straight

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All clear?
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They are so sure of themselves like the dogmatists they despise repeating their mantra.


i mean they're right but the mickey and donald meme. y'know?


I don't get it.


waste of quads


Quads have no meaning. There, I said it.

Dubs are meaningless. Trips are a lie. Nobody will remember your quads when you die. There's no point. Repeating digits have no meaning.

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I look like this btw.


owls don't know how much 2 + 3 is




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owls are literally wise, how do you not know that?


Hey guys,
After thinking about it for a good few years, Ive decided I want to be a dad. Now someone posted a very interesting book on here a few months ago. The crux of the book iirc was that most parenting advice is bullshit that confuses our natural parenting abilities that came free with evolution. I don't remember what it's called but Id like to check it out.

Pic unrelated but it's the album I'm listening to and the book I'm reading rn
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I'll be your child. Give me pocket money please


>that instinctual connection people talk about with their born children
a lot of bio parents don't have that
>Is that just a myth?
not entirely, but it's massively overstated in importance and having adoptive parents even not great ones is better than no parents


The Dolphin Way is an excellent book about parenting. The title however is terrible, makes you think the author is a posadist


please OP for the love of God dont.

Too many adults think starying a family is a redemption/maturity license.

Too many adults lack basic home training or mechanical skills to pass off to the next generatiom

>having adoptive parents even not great ones is better than no parents

>even bad parents are better than no parents

Parental infallibility is a serious cognitive crisis in society


>>even bad parents are better than no parents
you'd have to be pretty bad as a parent to not be better than being stuck waiting for a foster parent


It's over


This is actually entertaining

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>oh stuff isn't really stuff any more man. stuff stops being made of stuff bro. instead it "arises" out of a "field". What is that "field" made of? Tee hee! I'll never tell!
>particles and anti-particles simultaneously "arise" and "annihilate" What do they arise out of? A field that permeates everything. What is that field? Is it nothing? Well no, it's not nothing but it's also not something either.
>even if we had infinitely precise measuring tools the uncertainty principle would still be true. How do I know this is the case without having made observations with infinitely precise tools? Tee hee! I'll never tell!
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If we imagine any non-living body cut up into smaller and smaller portions, at first no qualitative change occurs. But this has a limit: if we succeed, as by evaporation, in obtaining the separate molecules in the free state, then it is true that we can usually divide these still further, yet only with a complete change of quality. The molecule is decomposed into its separate atoms, which have quite different properties from those of the molecule. In the case of molecules composed of various chemical elements, atoms or molecules of these elements themselves make their appearance in the place of the compound molecule; in the case of molecules of elements, the free atoms appear, which exert quite distinct qualitative effects: the free atoms of nascent oxygen are easily able to effect what the atoms of atmospheric oxygen, bound together in the molecule, can never achieve.

But the molecule is also qualitatively different from the mass of the body to which it belongs. It can carry out movements independently of this mass and while the latter remains apparently at rest, e.g. heat oscillations; by means of a change of position and of connection with neighbouring molecules it can change the body into an allotrope or a different state of aggregation.

Thus we see that the purely quantitative operation of division has a limit at which it becomes transformed into a qualitative difference: the mass consists solely of molecules, but it is something essentially different from the molecule, just as the latter is different from the atom. It is this difference that is the basis for the separation of mechanics, as the science of heavenly and terrestrial masses, from physics, as the mechanics of the molecule, and from chemistry, as the physics of the atom.

In mechanics, no qualities occur; at most, states such as equilibrium, motion, potential energy, which all depend on measurable transference of motion and are themselves capable of quantitative expression. Hence, in so far as qualitative change takes place here, it is determined by a corresponding quantitative change.

Motion in the most general sense, conceived as the mode of existence, the inherent attribute of matter, comprehends all changes and processes occurring in the universe, from mere change of place right up Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


A fundamental property perhaps?
Not saying it is, just saying that we have no fucking clue either way and calling it an emergent process without describing said process just doesn't hold up in court


i hate this meme format. the original joke ("stop doing math") hinged on the fact that idiots could actually understand the alternatives proposed ("NO use for counting higher than your fingers. want to try for a laugh anyway? we have a tool for that: GUESSING"). everyone, even literal children who haven't mastered counting with their fingers, is familiar with "guessing", it's a good joke. every single subject-specific spinoff meme fucks up in the same way by making the situations things that only those familiar with the subject matter will understand. "looking beyond the first order derivatives" - shut up, kids don't know what that means. most adults don't know what that means. not funny.


>claim bait isn't believable
<it is believed by many
>"not my fault the bait was believable"


It's "bait used to be believable [to me]" since I'm the only one that matters.


it saddens me when /pol/yps got their own videogame representation and we do not



god the voice acting in early Rockstar games was so terrible. Reminds me of how the black gangs in GTA 3 were obviously voiced by white guys in their 20s.


man what you saying, those pedestrian quips are so memorable. I still remembered 'you gonna be sorry…'


memorable =/= good


VGH…the Berber ovvned saharas of NVRTH AVRICA

I'm a pure Berber. Like 100% Amazigh. I piss Berber, I shit Berber, I inhale Tamazgha oxygen and exhale 100% Berber Carbon. And no, I'm not wh*te passing, I look like the motherfucking couscous-eating, kilim-weaving donkey-fucking Berber I am. I descend from a fossilized Massinissa sperm that penetrated a Dehya egg in the middle of the Atlas snowy mountains. The fertilized egg found its way into the womb of a Barbary lioness, hence my name, Aghyul.

Every morning, I shove through the lines of whitoid researchers camping in front of my door who keeps begging me for a small sample of my pure Berber phlegm, I've seen them fight over my pure Berber shit but I never give them a chance cause I always flush the toilet fast.

Whenever my Berber wh*te cells is patrolling my pure Berber bloodstream seeking out strangers or undesirables if they capture any, ANY intruder, be it an arab, turk or kang virus, they don't fuck around, no rubber bullets, no Miranda warnings, none of that shit, they whip out their military assault rifles equipped with night vision and laser scopes and they shoot the motherfucker and dispose it straight into my Berber colin.


Holy gem

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I heard that he believed that it was better to slow down the growth in literacy to prevent too much social progress. Is this true? I fucking love the idea, when every other right wing dictator is just some tard who wants to kill some minority, its refreshing to have a simple, sincere believer in it. But everything I can find says it isn't; his government celebrated that for the first time in Portuguese history over 50% of the population was literate in 1950, and they successfully ended illiteracy by his death. Which is to their credit a better thing, but still.
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> heard that he believed that it was better to slow down the growth in literacy to prevent too much social progress. Is this true?

Every reactionary since the Roman empire believes this.


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eastern euro moment


least retarded pole



South American Gusanos and Vendepatrias also believe that literacy campaigns such as those in Cuba and Nicaragua are communism.

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shoutout to that one time a spanish habsburgo emperor wrote in his plan to conquer the chinese empire was to "fuck and outbreed them out of existence with our spanish, filipino and japanese svbjects"


It worked for them in South America


south america didn't have over a hundred million people like china


>Our new study clarifies the size of pre-Columbian populations and their impact on their environment. By combining all published estimates from populations throughout the Americas, we find a probable Indigenous population of 60 million in 1492.


they were right though the Ming were incompetent and they got rekt by the Manchu with the last Ming emperor hanging himself because he got duped into executing their best general

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