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 No.510845[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Milf edition

Previous Thread >>499492
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It will also lead to terrible sex most likely lmfao.



Most things that are negatuvely attributed to zoomers were all things millennials have done.
In fact, most Millennial culture is just rehashed from Gen X.

slave morality

most imageboard users have vanilla tastes.
Youre not special

Another of case of "im not like most other kids/guys"

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>men are always oblivious

Idk about that. I think society is more harsh on mens flaws.


Moms are more sympathetic towards their children irregardless of gender.
It especially hepls if their opposite sex children are the same kinds of people they looked down on back in secondary school.

Fathers are less empathetic towards children in terms of gender and personaity types.


I miss when the internet was ephemeral, especially in chat rooms. Now everything needs to be logged and searchable forever by default or even archived on third-party platforms no matter how stupid and unimportant it is.
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dead internet theory startin to make sense to me everyday


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The Onion predicted this in like 2013


my playlists on youtube are 2/3rds deleted more due to wrongspeak censorship than anything else


imageboards for non *chan users would be the best form of internet community, but they'll never happen. 4chan is the black hole at the center of this dead universe.

for the most part that's undesirable ephemerality. your embarassing teenage twitter account you lost the password to stays up forever as a permanent humilation, your playlist of songs you've loved for years disappears overnight. your imageboards are archived forever and your useful software archival project is DMCA'd instantly.

dead internet theory is a comfortable version of the truth: that some sites shape their userbase in such a way that they're barely distinguishable from bots.
(this is usually for commercial reasons, but sometimes - like 4chan - it just comes from incompetent administration, cowardice, and a lack of vision.)


anyone want to get nightmares before sleep?

post here the most unsetling and horrifying and creepiest videos/images as humanly possible
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Nightmares happen during sleep, it's a kind of dream. You don't get nightmares before sleeping dumbass.


>he doesn't know about hallucinations so immersive that take you to another place even with your eyes open, effectively blinding the person that is being immersed, they might know that they are not inside the place generated by the hallucionations, but cannot see the outer world, they can only feel the existence of the outer world with their other senses.


>3rd vid
weird af
english is my 2nd language chill


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on the topic of deliriants, i present you with the eiriel saga
don't do deliriants, kids


I wish I could remember more of my dreams.

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>and then he said he wants me to lurk on leftypol.org with him, pffft how pathetic
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This was my favorite scene in evangelion by far. You couldn't have made this today, because of woke.


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>shinji's face
smug anime boy


i know, liberals don't like big titty humor, this is truly joe biden's japan


Strong counterclaim


ya this is why im not interested in a relationship. No one is going to put up with me wanting to sit at the computer all day. It goes both ways tho, every gf I've had just wanted to watch mainstream movies and tv shows and I'd rather blow my brains out then do that.

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these ytboys BUGGIN
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chatGPT lookin hands


why does the white shorts guy have a colony of bugs in his pants


23 is a magic number, it's been known for ages. Plus the sum of its digits is 5.


so they're calling each other N
this is silent gen
idk they look anatomically accurate to me
also chat GPT does chat not pics
he shat out his doodoo ass


they all grew up to be republican senators


>this was the ideal male physique in the 17th century
will socialism bring flamboyant effeminate men back?
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sure, its all abolishing gender roles. the masculine and the feminine are inherently fascist, they dehumanize us, we need to make it so that men and women are indistinguishable from each other


or left and right politics yet


I bet he forced his Turk and Arab slaves to top him


sir, the femboydom thread is that way, and the /draw/ board is that way, perhaps you can commision somebody to draw louis power bottoming a slave?


Louis XIV died in 1715 tho

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have you drank your r/athiesm water today?
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there is a difference between admiration and creating a fetishized falsehood, there is no affection to women in a femboy, but a twisted simulacrum of everything a woman is


that's a lot of theoretical philosophical words being thrown around on the gay question, i just see a cute man not afraid to dress as a sexy girl in a miniskirt, i get hard and wish to suck his cute cock, simple as


you may be a collaborator, but you are at the very least honest about what you saw, i respect you even if you are wrong


Fascism is when thing I don't like and the more I dislike the fascister it is


Antisocial behavior is antisocialist. You're a fascist moron.

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In an ideal Marxist society, what would happen to Daniel Gómez del Barrio? Would his shit-eating still be cause for his resignation?

I'm personally torn on this subject. One one hand, I support bodily autonomy; but I also think that encouraging unsafe habits in the population (especially impressionable youth) is overall anti-utilitarian.
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cuck's mad, you got cucked and ever since you are angry at people, i'm not a stirnerfag but your moralist drivel is so pathetic i'd become a stirnerfag just to see more of it


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Well we do need some kind of new moral system to replace the void of postmodernism true, but that moral system should be rational and utilitarian, not some spooky bullshit that tries to legislate people's bedrooms. There's nothing wrong with pleasure seeking as long as it's tempered by a broader social conscience. Anecdotally I'm sure that the people in the west who practice non traditional sexuality are more left wing and socially conscious than the people who don't.


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People that eat excrement shouldn't be in positions of power.


only people that eat excrement should be in positions of power


Pfff. Literally who fucking cares then Jesus Christ.

Remember how the Spanish government put Pablo Hasel in jail for doing leftist art? And here is OP eating the human feces that is this clickbait spectacle bullshit. While our comrades are in jail, denied medical attention in so called democratic countries.

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>no /work/ /worker/ /wagie/ board
>no resources or help for workers aside from one shitty career thread that gets buried
>even weebs have their own /anime/ board

this is the prime example of modern leftism.
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either merge akm tech with edu. And games anime music draw with hobby. or give me my /labor/ board


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there that look so bad


No but there should be a /gulag/ and I will personally shove you into it.


/meta/ used to be called gulag


Moved to >>>/meta/32108.

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>be looking for fun
>open up accounts on powchess and other sites for players to compete against eachother online for money

>compete against users you know have seriously valuable money, (japan, sweden, the gulf) at chess, chogi or go, only these three

>employ my strategy only when it's a game where my opponent starts first
>take my fucking time between each move up to 40 seconds to increase my opponent's frustration
>by the time the match ends, i always win
>no idea how the fuck shogi even works but i still win
>use a simple ploy
>everytime i begin an online match, let's say at chess, i pull up phone and turn on chess app
>set up the AI to impossible difficulty
>simulate opponent's moves on my phone
>copy the bot's move against my opponent
>repeat until victory
>do the same with other games
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still not good enough because people could have an app on their phone (or a friend) read out the correct moves to them.


it looks like only $35k has gone through this site so no.


exact reason why i used a bot on a phone that's not connected to the internet


And if you have to turn on a mic too?


could easily fake the input of that. hell you could even fake the camera input too

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