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is harry potter the liberal bible?
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Don't play dumb, you know what you did.


Harry Potter = Liberal Bible
Warrior Cats = Leftist (furry albeit) Bible

What YA novel series would be the Chvd Bible


Well go ahead and post it then. I generally agree with RuPaul to be honest, we're all wearing drag in some form baby!


>Vulnerable to the competition transwomen represent. Nowadays more and more men are preferring them to "natural" women and this is making someone bitter
Speaking of demonic neoliberal ideology, that is literally the premise to one of the most psychotic RuPaul songs


>Blocked in my country



oh dear nakedy………


Let's say you'd want to illegally migrate to the US.
Is it true that you can overstay your visa, without federal agents coming to look for you?

Let's just say you're from a country where can enter visa-free into the US, that is not from the common illegal immigrant countries of origin ;)
How do you get a job, rent a place, or get a drivers license without social security, official documentation and other things, all those millions upon millions of illegal immigrants residing in the US must be getting income, sending their kids to school, live in some apartment or even own real estate somehow. And the US is car-centric so you need a drivers license and car. How do they get their stuff, do they fake it?

Where do they fake their stuff? Is there some secret counterfeiting ring inside the US or do they get their falsified documents in their home country before they come to the US? You can't walk up to your local org (criminals) and ask for a fake drivers license. Do they know somebody who knows somebody? How does one get to know somebody who knows somebody?

No, I'm not a glowie, I don't want to know the exact location of your personal counterfeit dealer, thanks. Just want to know the process :)


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Yeah there are places where you can buy stolen identities for these things. People use social social security numbers to get jobs. Otherwise you will have to go down to home depot or something.

I dunno how would go about getting one, dark web, or get in good with somepeople who use those kind of services.

Renting you might find someone who is subletting on the dl so they aren't gonna be running credit checks and all that.


A good chunk of illegals in the US don't have cars or social security and work with very shady entities who cover up their presence. Those who do usually knows people who knows people back in their homeland or has contact with some migrant agencies though. A lot of them are also people who just overstays their visa

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You should starve yourself to get skinny and cute!
You can lose 2-3lbs a week safely without muscle wastage if you eat less than 1000cal a day.
Work out your cardio core and do lots of squats
Rub your nipples every time you fap for 2 weeks until they get sensitive like a grills
Learn to apply makeup and order cute clothes and cosplay wigs
Get cute communist bf who will punish you for bourgeois fun and send you for forced GULag labor (s*x).
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Read the label next time lol, they even tell you it comes with a percentage of lead.


If only keto wasn't prohibitively expensive, I was losing a lot on that until my budget for food gave out.


I'm glad I'm not American and constantly surrounded by poisons, so I don't have to get into some fad diet and follow food """science""" cranks.


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What if we all just collectively got good in gambling or sports betting, and then use the money to fund a revolution?
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Gambling is rigged against the player in favor of the house, always. Even if you get really "good" at what is fundamentally a chance based scam (i.e. counting cards, cheating, etc.) you're more likely to just be taken in the back and have your fingers broken by mafiosi than rewarded for your efforts.


The casinos aren't run by the mob anymore, they would just kick you out and ban you


>The casinos aren't run by the mob anymore
how the mighty have fallen


Yeah, there's even a term for it: the juice.

If you're betting on coins against a friend, for example, with a $1 bet each, the winner getting 2x their original stake. However, if the house offers lines about this exact same event of coin-flipping, they would not be with 2x multipliers, but 1.6~1.8x multipliers for the winner. This means that (obviously, the loser IS straight up fucked), but even the winner is robbed 0.2-0.4% of his. That theft IS the guaranteed profit for the house.

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Knotbong uwu
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Things that are too enticing are a death trap. Actually that's right


1 man 1 jar


My gf once asked me what was the worst thing I saw online and it was that video. No gore spam or bizarre fetish porn could ever compare.


Isn't that gore spam though


worth it

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Happy four twenty, /siberia/!
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If weed didn't turn me schizophrenic then LSD should be fine too, right?


oh you know im celebrating 4/20 the classic way.. thats right im having wine with a nice fettuccine alfredo




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SÉX with 420chan

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>randomly checked the socials of a childhood crush i had 14 years ago but never got the courage to confess to her
>she's now a huge Ryan Gosling fangirl with a boyfriend who owns a sport car
i did this to myself
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I'm too desperate to reject this bait


that's a negative affirmation right there if there ever was one anon. you can make that a lie


nah m8 im just toxic tbh


Unless you got a cluster B personality disorder it aint gonna pan out.



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eat shit weeb

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everyone knows more than me
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It means you can learn more than anyone.


You know who's best girl, and that's all that matters.


If you're autistic enough, you can know everything about anything.



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Nobody likes it when I correct them.

Most autists are borderline retarded, lol!

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Post your jennies before they're outlawed!
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fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you


Fictional and robotic as this is, this is genuinely unsettling for some reason.

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spurred by a random conversation I had concerning censorship, I had a realization with maybe deeper implications.

you have a privilege. you abuse that privilege. the privilege is taken away.

it's a formula that I'm sure is familiar to anyone who was a kid, but what if that formula is applicable to socio-political life in general?

let us say there was a right to basically unlimited free speech. everything was fine and well until some couldn't help but abuse this right by uttering slurs at every opportunity. this understandably gets a plurality of some others pissed off. the right is soon taken away, and those who abused it cry.

how much of the shit rightists whine about is a result of none other than their own recklessness?

would something like loli hentai ever become such a hot topic if the rejects who enjoyed it just shut the fuck up and kept it to themselves, instead of recklessly spreading memes about it for the whole internet to see?

I think this realization is revealing. it does away with the binary moralism of "is it ok to censor X" and instead looks at it in a similar fashion to historical materialism, that is, abuse has consequences, sociologically. the master that abuses his slaves may eventually happen upon a vengeful slave that will return the abuse.

but why do people abuse their privilege? why do people self-snitch? why is that phenomenon of a criminal bragging about his crimes a thing? it's easy to see why the ruling class pursues short-sighted interest. in the long-term it appears as self-sabotage, yet we know that the ruling class has no choice, such is economics. as Marx put it, the ropes revolutionaries will use to execute their enemies will have been produced by the very same enemies.
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Good point, slurs are pretty damn hurtful.


That's what I meant…


>After all, what‘s the point of supporting absolute free speech when you already disagreed with using slurs all the time?
I support legalizing recreational drugs, but I don't support people taking them. No contradiction, kiddo!


>I think this realization is revealing
Exactly! Our modern political institutions and even the very concept of childrearing function like a prison would.


very solipsistic when you put it like that.
privilege could be "natural", born of circumstances. for example, imagine coming across a bag with a million dollars. that is likely someone else's money but you can take it. what happens next depends on how conspicuous you act. you show off your wealth, people become suspicious, the origin of this wealth is investigated by the authorities. that the money is someone else's, doesn't change that the opportunity to take it is a privilege. no social consensus or social design particular to the bag (that is to say, nobody put the bag there for you to take on purpose), is necessary to enjoy the benefits. simply existing in capitalism with the bag coincidentally is enough. it's an emergent privilege.
all forms of social organization are comparable to a prison, the design of prisons is "inspired" by them.

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