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>harp on about how political ideologies have more in common with religion than they have to distinguish them, and how this is a useful insight for understanding why powerless political parties tend to wind up like cults.
>nobody listens to me, naturally
>find out that Engels LITERALLY wrote a communist catechism to parallel the christian one
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having a simple text summarizing principles basically makes u a religion if u think about it


This is not a new observation.

>For Maitland “the party should be the material apparatus for integrating the conscious minority and the unconscious mass.” The mass is “unconscious,” however, for the same reason that it is powerless. The “conscious” minority could not alter the one situation without changing the other. It cannot bring “consciousness” to the masses unless it brings them power. If the consciousness and the power depend on the party, the whole class struggle question takes on a religious character. If the people that constitute the party are “good” people, they will gives the masses power and consciousness; if they are “bad” people they will withhold both. There is no question of “integration” involved here, but only a question of “ethics.” Thus we may trust not only in abstract conceptions as to what a party ought to be but also in the good will of men. In brief, we must trust our leaders. What parties can give, however, they can also take away. Under conditions as they are, the “consciousness” of the minority is either meaningless, or it is connected with a power position in society. To increase “consciousness is thus to increase the power of the group that incorporates it. There arises no “integration” between “leaders” and “led”; instead, the existing gap between them widens continuously. The conscious group defends its position as a conscious group; it can defend this position only against the “unconscious” mass. The “integration” of the conscious minority and the unconscious mass is only a pleasanter-sounding description of the exploitation of the many by the few.



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<stay in your containment thread
>implying I can be contained

I thought it was concise and useful reference.
It was useful reading the distinctions made between proletariat, serf, and others, as well as reactionary socialists, bourgeois socialists, and democratic socialists.


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>Did you know that both religions and secular ideologies constitute worldviews and people can feel passionate about them?
That said, I would argue that Marxism is more like Confucianism than a religion. Not in the sense that Marxism upholds caste systems, harmonious orders or filial piety like Confucianism, but in the sense that it is a secular philosophy around temporal, human social forces which often competes with religions (and has a tendency to get called a religion for this reason) and is centered around a series of "sage" figures, with Marx taking the role of the original "Great Sage" similar to Confucius.


Marx meets confucius reference?

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 No.386264[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

How are you spending this Friday? Do you have any plans for the weekend?
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achievement hunting in eu4


very sorry about your dog anon, I hope you are feeling better now


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sorry for your dog. wish you the best


pasta sauce brewing, chilling wine for boozin', preparing to watch the Leafs vs. Bruins.

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this is totally me playing on leftyflip mode and deeeefinitely not a bot with lightspeed reaction time
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Good job!


yeah~ <( ̄︶ ̄)>


Woah x6
vidrel is (You) @ me


i like playing gay ass metalcore songs on clone hero


very based


I was raised Catholic but I couldn’t care less if God exists or not.

Why are religious and theological debates even worth having if they mean nothing in terms of how we shape our future political program? Why does “God” need to be in the picture at all, or even considered? If we could prove God’s existence what would really change?
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can you show any well-known Marxist explicitly stating religion is not part of the superstructure?


>The "cable" thing sounds like some shit made up by people going off the English version.
If you read carefully I said they were very similar in the Greek language spoken at the time. Which is the language the New Testament was first written in. Watch this video. It's not an evangelical cope. It makes a lot more sense than the bizarre camel joke in some ways.
You linked to a wikipedia article that doesn't even make the same claim you're making. Do you think the Talmud predates the bible? Because it doesn't. Rabbinical Judaism is post-Christian Judaism. The Talmud is an early medieval text. The "Camel Passing Through The Eye of A Needle" comes from the New Testament and does not predate it.


NTA, just saying an imageboard is like a garden: convos like this can have several weeks / months between replies.


> Watch this video. It's not an evangelical cope.
forgot the video


This video argues that camel is the correct translation.


I wonder how different my life would have been if I never came across imageboards.
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>manifestation of reason

Most of ur politicians are on drugs and medications to stay rational but most of the time th3y just do fucked up stuff, the drugs just make them not care and keep the system going

Bureaucrats are zombies, literally


I think imageboards gave me more life of the mind, before then I was just a normalphag who lived to play vidya.


If only there was an imageboard for us, for leftist queer people who want a fun moderately active and tolerant imageboard….


same lol
but remember you can just walk away


fate of the www was sealed when the iPhone was released.

be glad you were there when 'social media' wasn't MK ultra glowslob but obscure forums, image boards, IRC…

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What's the most one person could do to get us closer to revolution?


organize with your fellow proletarian against capital, thats it


furiously masturbate


evangelise class consciousness among as most people as possible but it will be the struggle to survive that will make people most receptive.


Support Ukraine, Israel, and organize with other proles locally.

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 No.444683[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post Zero Two! NSFW, SFW it doesn't matter just post her.
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seggs with the silver haired girl or becoming the silver haired girl and having seggs

call it




I want meet girl like zero two, and fall in love with her.


I really love zero two I want to marry her


Like how do you find political organisations, events, likeminded people? No idea where to look, no idea how to join, what could I bring to the table.
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Shooting cops


Start praying to Allah (SWT), make friends with the bourgeois police/military apparatus, read the Quran and the Green Book, and hopefully coup your country.
Obvious /s


the hardest thing about activism isn't getting involved, it's

1. finding the free time in between work/family/free time (especially if you're a parent and/or take care of elders/disabled)

2. not getting in the way or accidentally being a wrecker


Political activism is separate from the class struggle and refers to shit like veganism. At least under marxism, I don't know if anarchists make this distinction too.


>how do you find yadda yadda
one of the main reasons to read theory for me is to be able to recognize pb parties that only want liberal reforms instead of strengthening the proletariat as one united force against capital

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from a leftist standpoint, what is the best guide to survive or even thrive in a US jail?
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Is this thread gay fanfic or we actually get to suck hot jacked dudes in american jails?


>The sink didn't work and nobody ever used the toilet for anything but piss
where do you shit then?


The guards would let you use what would best be called as a communal toilet, basically a set of stall shitters kind of like an outhouse.


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get into prisoncore (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


This is the best advice here

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Xi Jinlore
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its no different from classic slapstick movies


Yeah yeah, that's what they all say


I must say, I was not excpecting the Lil John "WHAT" soundbite from an old chinese man's comedy tiktok



How would Salahuddin react to this?

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