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Reading about "great men" in history has left me with the impression that most of these people are really fucking easy to influence. They eventually grew isolated from the general masses and had to rely on a select and curated inner circle that could influence them to do whatever the fuck they wanted as long as they remained in the leader's favour. Seen in this vein lot of the "erratic" leaders in history like H*tler, Peron, Stalin, Trump, etc weren't actually schizophrenic, they were just influenced by their entourage of friends and relatives who all represented the interest of different classes and lobbies. Like Peron's "changing" ideology can probably be attributed less to his actual beliefs and more to the changes in his entourage; when he married with Eva who had a working class background his policies were solidly leftists, after he got married to Isable who was a Francoite hanger-on and started surrounding himself with retards like Lopez Rega his policies started to shift heavily right.
You can literally change the course of history by sucking up to a socially awkard dictator and wormhole your way into friend circle. This is the true great man theory
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>I used to be a diehard marxist in theory but i realised that my heart is fasc-… AAAAAAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK


why does the occult appeal to you, and what does it actually do you for you?


Hitler or Stalin for that matter is not Alexander the Great or Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan or Nader Shah or Timur Leng. None of these people you idolized resemble anything like a bronze age warrior caste; instead they are poets (Stalin), painters (Hitler) with an especially cerebral focus on ideology and aesthetic. You can see the difference between Nerds like Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels with their focus on rhetoric and occultims and compare them with actual warriors like Goring who was, in true knightly fashion, more interested in dressing up and collecting relics than any of the crazy shit Himmler was on.
It was the masses, the millions of soldiers, workers, slaves, and so on, who moved the course of history in both the Nazi regime and the USSR. That is where the true Will is dispersed. Your projection about Hitler is nothing more than a violent lashing out to summon the spirit of old bronze age warriors; but just like how BAP for all of his "madness" ended up as a mere milquetoast defender of Neoliberal radlib imperialism, all these talk about "the black sun' and the hero's journey merely ended up looking like asskissing of mediocre rulers. First as tragedy, then as farce.


based. it's like listening to
>last year I was libertarian then during the summer I became more anarchist then my big sister got me into Bernie


>hi im a pedophile
oh ok.


I've barely been "online" (social media) for the last year as I got more involved in my local organized labor milieu

Where have the people that cared about theory gone? This site's deader than ever and it's mostly shitposts now seemingly (both siberia and leftypol) or half-assed snail-posts cheerleading bourgeois sides in news cycles
I know Big Tech platforms like Leddit and Xitter have gotten more repressive against communists and so putting two and two together there must be some place that new Marxists are going to now that I'm just not aware of (Mastodon? Hopefully not fbi.gov? Is Matrix taking off? What about darknet, about time, no?)

Where can I find people online going "what did Marx mean with the Gotha Critique" with people able to give informed responses? Or facilitating active reading groups? Like this place used to be before the fetal alcoholic syndrome / dopamine compromised made it about soyfacing about BRICS bourgies (which, fine, but you barely have to leave a microblogging site or Tiktok for that. The fact that this has no character limit and is a dedicated website for communists means we are wasting potential / missing the point).

Did someone fork the site, as in has there been more splits?
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>Nazi pedo tracking thread
That's a bloody rabbithole if I ever saw one. Over a hundred, and =two different= investigations into German pedo nazi cops.


>=two different=
uygha learn to format
but also, yes, wtf


Breadtube collapsed


billions must video essay


what are you talking about?
bad quality?


There's a store in Moscow where they sell various things from the USSR era, and the youth that's working there also dresses like Gorbachev never existed. Just thought you should know this, enjoy this dance by one of their employees.


File: 1713638626726.mp4 (1.7 MB, 1008x720, wagie dance(2).mp4)

>People's wagie dance


consoom the peoples products


New skibidi
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Valve's former lead writer Marc Laidlaw has apparently watched the whole series up episode 71 and weirdly enjoyed it.


I'm not watching this


t. boomer




It is amazing how much emotion he conveys with nary a word said by the main characters. Even when TCM finally spoke up, it makes extreme impact due to it marking a breaking point in the series where all the remaining silliness is put aside.


Why are software engineers so universally despised?
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Crypto inter class hatred thread. But I'll give my perspective as a software engineer.

1. Usually nerds or not artsy types
2. Higher incomes/acquisition power than art hoes
3. High demand means large # of transplants to an urban area
4. Landlords raise prices to squeeze tech salaries, etc aka gentrification.
That's pretty much it.

The people complaining about tech bros being more right wing don't realize that the petit booj hippies running all the art programs in the area are borderline fascist many times. People hate techies because they get higher salaries, come in large numbers, and don't participate in arthoe shit or disrupt it with their more conservative presence. That's literally it. Moralizing it is so fucking dumb I can't even begin to care.

So called leftists calling anyone who makes above subsistence wages "Petit bourgeoisie" will seemingly never fall out of fashion. lmfao



because software fucking sucks ass


This. Grifters on social media exaggerating how cushy their jobs are while ignoring the instability of it made it worse. Rates go up, layoff time.

But also this, though blame lies with porky for demanding that it suck.


This is probably the most incoherent comment I've seen here. If you want to talk about how Google employees are still lucky enough to be in the top 10% of Americans with benefits and lots of superprofits from monopoly rents. "Liking some more than the others" is just a lazy excuse not to analyze the differences and conflicts between bourg national and international. Mao conscripted petit bourg and national bourg to the anti-imperialist struggle. You don't just leave a wrench laying on the ground when the empire's coming at you with a gun. You whack that bastard before he draws.


People can't tell the difference between devs/knowledgable users and hypemen, because they use discourse-brain inducing centralized social media like twitter where they get to forget they are using a technology, particulary one made by tech hypemen to disrupt existing options like RSS.

We will see less of this pretty quickly since the window of time that was conductive to brewing these types has passed.


I’m about to take another huge shit and the side of my stomach has gone from experiencing burning and discomfort to outright pain while shitting. I’ve been checked by multiple doctors and a few hospital visits and they’ve all said I’m healthy, but I find myself shitting more now and it’s disrupted my entire schedule. I shit during noons and nights. It just isn’t right. What should I do, anons?
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Do you have a standing toilet?


Rocks aren't water retentive so it wouldn't work. There is some stomach medication using Charcoal because it absorbs gases tho.


It is digestible, stuff doesn't just "decompose" in your lower intestine, I pray this is just more bait you wrote to fend off board death


Lol, no! I don't even know what a "standing" toilet is! I mean, how do you even shit standing upright? I have a sitting toilet, a water closet, a ceramic throne, the one you sit on like a chair. I just read that if you keep the angle between your torso and your thighs around thirty degrees, that's the optimal position the help defecate. In nature, you do that by just squatting, but with a sitting toilet you can use the same workaround I employ. That said, you also need a bidet and unfortunately most countries today still don't have bidets by default. So sad!


I find myself having a bloated stomach and tons of farts with little poop nuggets coming out gradually. Is this normal? The bloating and acidity is usually on my left side.

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Why the fuck do I have to confirm I'm human EVERY 45 SECONDS.


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What's the original song? It sounds so familiar.



Thanks. How could I have no recognize this?


somtimes it happens when you forget a song


The narrative tension of whether anon wouldn't or would find the phone…..


hell nah, the woke left put cuckoldry in my fruities, the west has fallen
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Anon did you post this in the wrong thread?


the cucked husband in this ad represents ukraine


15 calories only, anon


this one is worse


Of course he has a moustache. Lmao the guy is more clearly disturbed and not into it in this one 😂😂 this version could even be denounced by the cuck community

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Is Grimes a bad person for ever even considering to date musk and father a child with him even though she broke up with him?
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Cyrus is probably one of the least terrible Great Men of history to idolize, although some real shitheads have idolized him. The Achaemenid Empire was relatively tolerant and chill.


>Woman says something racist but you see women have no agency so it doesn't matter especially if they are rich.



You are really fixated on her being a woman when that was never part of my reasoning. You are either an incel or one of those feminists who live up to the strawmaned stereotype.


>when that was never part of my reasoning.

Yes it is. You are exhibiting extreme bias and uttering some insane apologia for an awful person just because they happen to be a woman.


Moved to >>>/music/11691.

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