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me on the under
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not bad for AI. Though her deciding to sandwich her left hand between the two legs is funny


the last one is just frank from always sunny with one of his whoores.


first one would be so based if she was also choking him to death with her tail


what model is this


not the anon but I'm guessing Dall-E3

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>smooth af even when you just smoke it out of a bowl
>mentally stimulating, but no paranoia/anxiety
>relaxing but won't knock you out

For me, it's Northern Lights
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I hope 420chan can come back so I won't have to read fucking soberfags crying on a thread about weed


Whoa. I had no idea the synths were popping off in popularity around the world.
Have you ever smoked grade A flower? How does this stuff compare to analog marijuanas?


THe plastic in your food wrappers makes you sterile. The additives in the food in that wrapper makes your body experience inflammation. The chair you are sitting in contains materials that are known by the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

So what are you going to do about all of this doctor?


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Anti-drug petite bourgeois are adorable, y'all don't even understand what you're talking about. If you've never met them, most straight edgers and teetotalers are aggressively reactionary, and annoyingly good in a fight. Go break into your parents weed box and chill out you pampered idjets


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the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin just entered his Mormon Era.

What will happen now?
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What nationalism does to an mf.


He said the moonies were CIA in one of his books too but started working with them


he wants to become a new Joe smith or Revd moon, and score all that tite trans pussy


just kidding i took it from 4chan haha


Yes, which is proof Maupin should never be taken seriously.


How is this not considered cruel and unusual punishment, even by American standards?
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I have autism, and I often wonder how I'd fare in prison. Part of me thinks I would unironically enjoy prison more than the real world, since everything in prison is handed to you and you don't have to guess at people's motives. Prisoners are more open with each other. Guards don't lie to you. Not to mention free food and housing sounds better compared to the hell of capitalism.


And what if you get thrown into an unlit cold rusty cell a few meters wide with a sadistic guard who gives you shit for breakfast and forces you to do unpaid labor? I mean, people starve themselves to death in protest for a reason, one doesn't do that without being forced into it.


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I was overhearing this cholo gang banger kid in jail talking about as long as he could fuck women, he wouldn't mind getting locked up forever. Just get to hang out with the boys and work out all day and play cards or whatever they do


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>opens video to see title, closes video.
Because it's not unusual. Cruelty on it's own has never been unconstitutional.


Autistic people do much better in prison than allistics do. We prefer routine, alone time, etc.

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Under anarchism, human resources departments will be abolished. Management of a company's affairs will be handled by a committee of elected workers. No write-ups, no masters (also human resources "professionals" will be purged as members of the petit bourg)


And no, I'm not saying this because it's the third time this week I've been reported for "sexual" harassment

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It's time for your daily dose


I'm. Not. FUCKING. Taking. The. Meds.


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Thanks doc


piccolo cut them nails my dude. I'm not letting you do a prostate exam on me with them thangs


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Are you enjoying your tittytainment today? Cracking open a nice cold beer and fapping to Brazzers while simultaneously watching football? Consuming much?

Who will win? Who will lose? Place your bets here. And go gambling later.
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Where are those titties, mate?


In Mbappé's mouth.
Lest you wanted photos, in which case consult pornhub.com or wait for spoilered images.


Lol rip


as long as theyre not hairy


I can't take Bayern Munich nor Paris seriously. The only real football is in the UK, Iberia and Latin America.


As leftists, we should petition Square to put Kingdom Hearts on Steam


Let's give the capitalists a bigger market


Kingdom Hearts is inherently socialist. The Heartless are an analogue for capitalism and Sora is Karl Marx


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>The Heartless are an analogue for capitalism


Why is the princess a human when a mouse is the king though?


the mouse king was cucked

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420chan.org redirects here. Communists have finally triumphed the libertarians
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Marx: Son of vineyard owning petit bourgeoisie, married into old aristocratic family
Engels: Heir to bourgeois factory owner, eventually became bourgeois himself after receiving father's inheritance to fund communist operations
Lenin: Well-to-do educated middle peasant, family had local school board officials
Fidel: Son of a plantation owner
Che: Educated and from a wealthy family, medical professional
Mao Zedong: Came from a prosperous peasant family
Kollontai: Came from a well-to-do Ukrainian military family that traced its ancestry to the 13th century
Trotsky: Born into a wealthy family

Only Stalin and Deng had proletarian roots


the petit bourgeois have to demonstrate theyre an addition to the movement instead of proles having to cater to them

stalin, fidel and mao werent even marxists. che was but barely

>proletarian roots

fucking irrelevant if their position changed later on


>fucking irrelevan
Not completely, blindspots are all over upper class leftists takes, all of them. That goes for proles too, we need each other's understanding of class relations. We need the educated and trained but they need our direct experience with class struggles to round out their understanding. It matters, but I wouldn't use upperclass roots an excuse for dismissal.


I noticed a pattern that people who make comments like these seem to for some reason also vehemently oppose any criticism of rulling communist parties abandoning working class base in favour of middle class.


b-but they call themselves communists. ignore that theyre part of the bourgeois electoralist machine!

 No.518153[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

if you type before:2010-01-01 preceding your search term in youtube you can limit your search to videos from the 2000s, the first four years of youtube. I'll be ripping gems I find during my archaeological dig with yt-dlp and posting them here. I'll be focusing on things that interest me but I hope others join me. I'll avoid posting memes with high views like chocolate rain, etc. that people already know about. This is more for niche content that gets buried under the current search algorithm. A lot of this content will be "cringe" but nevertheless… there might be gems in the muck. Perhaps even some low video/audio quality content that might be worth revisiting with up-to-date editing software
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Anyone have videos from YouTube communist OGs like RedNickD?



windows movie maker era

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