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For all my life, I've been motivated to do things under the threat of violence. I chose not to run away from my abusive home because the fear of getting kidnapped, trafficked and raped as a child scared the shit out of me. I worked hard, studied and moved cities. Now that I'm in a relatively stable position, I feel purposeless and depressed. I never had the time, energy or self-confidence to build lasting relationships with anyone. Up until now, I just explained things away with "it could be worse", at least I'm not starving to death or being forced to debase myself for a living. But now I feel like I need some positive affirmation in life, like my life beyond just being a corporate drone is worth living. Any tips are appreciated.
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Are the people of Vietnam accepting of foreigners? I plan on making enough cash and retiring in a socialist nation to promote socialist propaganda and organize anonymously. I don't have any aspirations of becoming a senior leader or intellectual, I prefer being anonymous as it paints a smaller target on my back.


Vietnam isn't socialist


I disagree


You disagree with Marxism then.


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what's the deal with this trio?
why is it that these anons are everywhere at all times?
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hey guys it's me, Jewish-queer-neurodivergent-black-wheelchairbound leftypol user Anonymous. 100% based totally agree


It's the fbi.gov fags who mod the site you dummy. Bloodgasm does the same circlejerking over how peripheral countries are imperialists and epic Hasan Piker leftism is waiting to sweep NATO country polls


I had to filter the nazi flag. Not even thing noticer managed to make me do it


Three faggots in one space is enough concentrated AIDS to make even Reagan blush


probably inter/pol/ers trying to do some kind of cringe forum slide


I forgot to take them and now I'm going insane


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You probably just achieved normal levels of testosterone for the first time in years. Don't panic and keep eating healthy. Don't be sedentary throughout the day.


jerk off then



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Would Eric Cartman be pro or anti Israel?
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Idk he might figure like Israels genocidal policies.


He'd be jelous that it isn't non-jewish whites doing it.


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he'd be whatever pisses off Kyle the most
I have a feeling Saint Cartman might have some mixed feelings about it


Idea, Kyle just doesn't know what to think of Israel because one hand it's the Jewish homeland on the other hand he might thinks what Israel is doing is awful, and that pisses of Cartman who tries for a whole episode to push Kyle to take a stand and stop being a spineless fencesitter (actually he only wants Kyle to pick a side just to give him shit over it, whatever that side may be)


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oh yeah Cartman calling Kyle a coward for not picking a side checks out
>they're killing civilians kyyyle. tens of thousands of children
>what about october 7, kyyyle. that was basically another holocaust and you know it kyle

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In the heart of Daojing Oil Field No. 1205, there lived a humble worker named Comrade Wang. For over twenty years, he toiled with calloused hands, but beneath his weathered exterior lay a secret—a practice that set him apart from his comrades.

Comrade Wang was a practitioner of semen retention, a discipline he had embraced since his youth. Through years of rigorous training and unwavering discipline by the Communist Party of China, he channeled all his vital energy into becoming a force of immense power.

One fateful day in September, 1966, as he labored beneath the scorching sun of Xijang, Comrade Wang experienced a profound awakening. In a flash of insight, he had a vision of Chairman Mao Zedong floating in a beam of light. He had reached a state of transcendence that lifted him beyond the confines of corporeal existence.

Comrade Wang discovered that he possessed new abilities. He could traverse hills and mountains in a matter of minutes. He could soar through the air like a bird in flight, and when he laid hands on the sick, they were healed.

Comrade Wang's mind had become a vessel of immense power, capable of harnessing the forces of nature itself. With a mere thought, he could spew flames from his mouth, engulfing his adversaries in a blazing inferno. His vision, sharpened by years of meditation, could penetrate the veil of distance, allowing him to see with clarity from hundreds of miles away.

Word of Comrade Wang's extraordinary feats spread far and wide, earning him the admiration and respect of his comrades. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration to the proletariat, a living testament to the transformative power of Maoism.


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Sexual reproduction is one of humanity's greatest flaws and I hope communism and transhumanism does away with it.

>inb4 dooginite tradlarper screeching
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idk why people obsess over procreation and the sovereign right for it when misopedia is the common sentiment.


You say this constantly but I really don't think it's the case




Instead of having a period women should just queef their eggs right into a warm pool that men jack off into and that grows in to a baby like how frogs do. Mamilian birth is way too risky and destroys the body physically and hormonally.


If i was a women i would never have children.
The fact that i would need to carry the baby for almost a year in my belly, and then need to take care of the thing for 20+ years is a investment that will not even provide any material gain doesn't make any practical sense.
Considering that population growth is a meaningful way to increase GDP growth, the creation of artificial humans would mean a huge boom in the industry, a way to increase predicted population, and would probably remove all the annoying parts of taking care of children in the part of the parents.
One of the few advantages India has is that the population of its country is still growing in a very fast pace, and now they have more people then China.
Is an idea to consider, as well as the other transhumanism ideas, even though they are still in a distant future.

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What level of brainrot is this?


>This millionaire and professional actor is stupid.
But what if he knows what he is doing and you just have autism?


terminal burgerbrain

on the topic of blaming yourself vs blaming others: i think searching for your faults is a productive activity. you should always tell others you blame them though, so they are pressured to adjust their behavior as well.

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Did you anons pay your for your fair share of the billion dollar israel aid packages?

God bless I pulled off some magic and barely paid anything this year. I may get audited, but they can suck my hairy smelly balls. Id rather pay 10k to a lawyer than give it to the imperialist state
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Our tax dollars are going to fund wars in the middle east and to kill Palestinian children but lolberts are concerned about it going to EBT, schools, and healthcare


why are communists so protax? I always see this happening with taxes under any capitalist system, most tax dollars will go to imperialism


Im only pro tax because we aint under communism yet and we need to fund our schools. Although it doesn't really matter since all the money is going to genocide arabs


I'm not usonian, thanks to science


This isn't lolbertarian, this is petit-bourgeois liberalism. A proletarian without reserves is already incapable of affording to go to college, or proper medical care, let alone anything about income tax.
At least you're onto something with the labor strike there, but it isn't anything new or groundbreaking.
<Every strike brings thoughts of socialism very forcibly to the worker’s mind, thoughts of the struggle of the entire working class for emancipation from the oppression of capital.
<It has often happened that before a big strike the workers … knew hardly anything and scarcely ever thought about socialism; but after the strike, study circles and associations become much more widespread among them and more and wore workers become socialists.

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JEEPERS CREEPER and my GRANDMA'S KNICKERS, you're telling that while I was fighting for my LIFE, my soon to be wife was getting BRED by some WEIRD human/alien/namekian MUTANT, popped out disgusting babies and my best friend's son MURDERED in cold blood the monster's kids that I would have gladly raised as my OWN ???? And you're telling my that Cell's tentacle DICKS forever changed my WIFE's DNA which means that Marron is not even my OWN which means that every single Z Fighter technically IMPREGNATED my wife at the same TIME even Piccolo the DICKLESS slug ??? ZOWEE MAMA and dare I say it YABA DABA DOOOOOOOO


This meme makes me laugh so hard. Please post more examples.


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back to the halls or i'll call the janitor


the soyjak spammer was about to kill this gem thread and I rescued it

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 No.510845[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Milf edition

Previous Thread >>499492
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It will also lead to terrible sex most likely lmfao.



Most things that are negatuvely attributed to zoomers were all things millennials have done.
In fact, most Millennial culture is just rehashed from Gen X.

slave morality

most imageboard users have vanilla tastes.
Youre not special

Another of case of "im not like most other kids/guys"

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>men are always oblivious

Idk about that. I think society is more harsh on mens flaws.


Moms are more sympathetic towards their children irregardless of gender.
It especially hepls if their opposite sex children are the same kinds of people they looked down on back in secondary school.

Fathers are less empathetic towards children in terms of gender and personaity types.

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