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>Hi Everyone,

>I'm a non-Jew living in a hyper-progressive American city.

>Palestinian flags are everywhere. People didn't even wait til the bodies were cold after 10/7 or for Israel to begin a counteroffensive before hanging them everywhere. I can't even walk around my apartment complex without seeing them. Almost everyone I know under 40 (I'm early 30s) is a supporter of Palestine and thinks Israel is committing genocide. When discussion about the war comes up and I defend Israel, people look at me like I have two heads, and I'm pretty sure at least one person is avoiding me because I support Israel.

>They talk about colonialism, they talk about apartheid, they talk about genocide. I've done immense amounts of research on the history of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, both to be absolutely sure that my moral judgment about the situation is right, and to try to refute their talking points. Some of them have explicitly said that the Jews should just leave the Middle East and go elsewhere. How do you even respond to that?

>Almost all the main-stream media I see is straight-up anti-Israel propaganda.

>The only practical stake I have in this is that I know the difference between right and wrong, and I refuse to be silent (I have that problem in a lot of other areas as well, and it gets me into trouble frequently). Being surrounded by people like this is soul-crushing.

>The only people I know under 40 who support Israel are a couple of Trump supporters (who basically live in fear in these parts) and a libertarian (I tend to be libertarian-minded as well). It's like being trapped in a madhouse. Luckily I know a few Boomers who aren't insane, but they are more people I see at work, and not people I hang out with.

>How do people cope with this in their daily lives? I'm tired of being surrounded by useful idiots and people who don't subscribe to the same moral principles that I do. It's extremely isolating. I'm sure a lot of other people (both Jews and non-Jews) are going through something similar. I'd really appreciate hearing about your experiences.
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im glad they're depressed.


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<israel flag


>I'm a non-Jew
He could straight up say "goy". Btw, the tone of the entire tripe is just like someone who is 100% posting from some hasbara operative centre in the Negev or something is trying too hard to sound like he's not a jewish zionist himself, yet failed hoplessly, but in a way that seems to give it away too easily - thus "I'm a non-Jew" and crap like that. I don't know if I'm overthinking, but if it's really some "good faith" "non-Jew" genuinely complaining because his delicate feelings have been hurt by all those Palestinian flags he sees around, then it's so over the top and pathetic I really don't know what to do with that. That said, the real world is indeed full of deranged individuals and lunatics of all kinds and that crap could be genuine and "organic".

"Neo-marxism" is like neo-romantic music in the early 80s. Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, you know? It's basically old Charlie and Fritz making a musical act, wearing shoulder pads, big hair, some make up, looking like Simon Le Bon, Tony Hadley and the Kemp Brothers. Big synths and big gated-reverb drums.

Even more reasons to stand by your traps.

Good! It's just one of the most poisonous websites to have ever existed.

It looks more like a Jewish Honduras, tbh.


>brainwash children into mutilating themselves
he seems to be a more transphobic kinda chvd


I did not clarify well so the lack of recognition of basic meme patterns, made them admit israel is a warmonger state and is the one waging wars.
This proofs that people behind on this meme are glowies who does not know shit and only serve to create a dumb narrative.

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Hey everyone, just got unbanned because my last schizo rambling was banned under allegations of Chat GPT usage (no fucking idea how lmfao, I'm pretty sure some furry on the mod team just seethed at the fact I was shitting pretty heavily on furries)

So hows everyone doing? I just got off of a week-long break off the internet due to brokeassery, may or may not have been approved for neetbux (got a whole budget with that shit), am hypothetically trying to get accepted into a local work program, and I feel like my life is on the up for the first time in a while.
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I got banned from grindr and i need a new phone number, the plan is to eventually get enough consistent bread in to continually afford a phone plan, which here in leafland is not fucking cheap


thats good to hear your on the up I was wondering what happened to you
I got banned 2 weeks for accusing someone from being from /pol/ because the mod thought I was from /pol/


Yeah, I was also banned from 4Chang for rule 1 (Dedicated "NO CP OR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO MAKE GUNS AND DRUGS" rule) for handing out the fursona names of the furries in my local community whom I know are pedophiles, zoophiles, a combination of the two, or a supporter.

in other news i was accepted into the work program, and will likely be taken off my benefits that I literally just got approved for jej


not this obnoxious retard again


oh come on man im not that bad


Why do Reactionaries like dogs so much while leftists prefer cats?
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I like both. Dogs are like a playful roommate who always wants to hang out but is messy and often annoying to deal with. Cats are like the roommate you nod to a couple times a week and occasionally see making dinner.


Cats are based. Dogs are cringe. Leftists are based. Rightists are cringe. Simple as that.


I had a dog when I was a kid but then I started being allergic to them so I just stuck to cats.


Cats are awful for the environment.


So are dogs

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 No.501771[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Since the original autism thread has reached the reply limit, I decided to create a new one. Discuss your autism here
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I would like to experiment on you with MDMA, LSD, psilocybin, and semi-synthetic opioids like oxycodone with complete wanton abandon as to pesky medical ethics. I believe this to be unfair if not outright cruel with Aspergers and autism, however I do believe my experimentation to be fully in line with a spirit of cleanliness if I'm doing it with antisocials, who themselves are mostly just gonna be like "so I get to get high for free? ok"
My suspicion is sociopath brains are way too neurotypical, I think I need real psychopaths.

There simply has to be a way to rewire somebody's brain hard enough they experience real empathy and true love. We don't have drugs triggering hardcore oxytocin excitation do we?

The alienation and isolation is intense and severe and total.

The thing that bugs me is now allll the assholes we was getting away from be coming on to the fucking internet so now I need to leave my precious internets and go dwell back in meatspace because the absolute worst of the bydlo masses be on here and only turbo accelerating that very mundane mass conformiing herd mentality of idiocy into the most psychotic stupid shit like trumptards, the gender shit I mean it's really bizarre seeing the way 80% of humanity is so fundamentally a follower that you can quite literally have a hive of us online, just doing our own thing, and it gets normalized and then the masses enforces it. Like verything from charismatic personality cults to Qboomers to the "there's no such thing as biological sex" to evolution denialism and climate change denial to the coofers burning masks in public to fat acceptance moverments.
It's fucking bizarre to me how malleable and spineless the idiot masses tend to be. All the moreso given that they are so freely willing to ostracize certain targeted others.

You do realize what this means, don't you? That given the preponderance of cat ladies and incels, with the stupidity of the way Western dating went, hookup culture, tinder, hoe culture, mass thottery, retarded chinlet incel culture. Basically I see a large ripe mass just ready for the plucking, throw your word like a burning match into the vast ocean of humanity and set it alight like a pool of gasoline. This is far easier to manPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


We must exteriorize the spiritual hierarchy and get as many people consuming psilocybin mushrooms as possible for the ten year plan

I am actually not trying to be funny, I'm being blunt. How do we make sure there's enough psilocybin to permeate all strate of society for the 2025-2035 A.D. period of this timeline? I know we can convince leftists to do it. How do we open that third eye of the tradcons? [spoiler]it was literally put there by God and my actual hidden objective is ultimately a spiritual one[/spoiler]


>So if an autistic person is frustrated about their condition because they feel the bad outweighs the good, have been unable to have form human relationships and connections because of it and go on to express a desire for some sort of scientific fix in the future that will make them mentally wired more like a neurotypical person… they're just wrong and they should basically go fuck themselves?
Well, they can't be wrong about how they feel and what they desire. My point was that I think it's wrong to frame autism's problem as innate when it's actually socially contextual.

>What do you see in being autistic that makes you not wish you could have been born neurotypical instead?

I addressed that in my last paragraph. I do think the allistic cognitive type has various biases and heuristics aimed at maximizing social status and prioritizing one's position in social relations that are short sighted and harmful, and it seems allistics are not even aware of the irrationality of their behavior from the perspective of their own psychology. It seems to be only apparent as an outsider who is devoid of that.

Don't get me wrong though, I am well aware of the mountain of problems that also come with autism. I have plenty of painful experiences as well that relate to my ineptness to integrate in allistic society and have worked very, very hard to do so. That doesn't lead me to shun my autism because I genuinely don't believe autism itself is the problem, for the reasons I have stated.

>Life is still far easier for autistics than it must have been 40-50 years ago.

Life would become much easier for autistics if what I explained would become mainstream opinion. Your problem isn't an inability to connect with people, your problem is an inability to connect with allistics, but that's a problem that goes both ways. You would have been much more able to connect with them in a world that thoroughly understands autism and compromises for differences, which today is still insufficiently the case.

What's necessary is that autistic people have the power to assert their own self-conception and for their experiences and opinions to influence our understanding of what autism is, not merely out of some sort of identity politics, but because that Post too long. Click here to view the full text.




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> transformation sequence is puzzle themed
Is she /ourgirl/?


canned tea is one of humanitys greatest innovations but canned bubble tea is this profane aberration representing the height of our arrogance


Aloe vera juice is a superior version of boba tea


So do you put like an entire can up there or you just pour it from outside?


>bubble tea
Wat, like, carbonated? Shaken? Soap??

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>be me
>be middle eastern dating a white girl
>her brother in law is a cop
>spends most of his time ranting about how much he thinks black people contribute to crime
>one day we bring up the Palestine genocide
> I mention that I'd rather trump win than Biden because of geopolitical reasons (they're both the same level of Israel bootlickers but trump's retardation and jingoism is better for Iran)
>Cop brother in law looks at me like I'm Satan incarnate. Says I'm the bigoted piece of shit on the planet
Mfw. This uygha isnts even ironic racist like /pol/tards he simply has no capacity for self reflection
What did he mean by this?
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TRVTH ALERT the siberian brain drain must fvcking stop you fvcking chvds


Trump is indeed the better option. He's all about business and isn't as retarded as Joe Biden.
He even reached an agreement with Kim ffs. If you can't see this for yourself you're terminally liberal.


And you actually call yourself a leftist. You're red on the outside for socialism and brown on the inside for fascism, a red-fascist. A NazBol to speak. I'm a liberal and I bet I'm more leftist than you since because I actually stick to my principles and would never vote for a literal fascist.


I would like both of you to effortpost and point the best and worst things about Biden/Trump in a debate sort of way


Example #99999999 of conservativism being spicy liberalism


Call me a fun urbanite but i genuinely do not understand the appeal of families, traditional or otherwise. My interaction with my own extended family consists around my uncle getting into prison for swindling real estate developers and the rest of us having to gouge our pockets to pay for his bail, my other uncle having a psychotic breakdown and calling the cops on us because he thought my dad killed my grandfather, my older cousin who got kicked out of his house by his own wife after having an affair with his own maid and subsequently freeloaded in our house for years, etc. Just a collection of the most dysfunctional retards that you have to tolerate simply because you "share the same blood". With other families too, whenever i ask my peers about things they appreciate the most about their family, it always invariably involves a form of nepotism or another, like 'my dad's cousin help secure me a job in a SOE' or 'my aunt help convince my university to not expel me' which in my eyes represent the most deranged and backwards form of corruption that harms economic development. Vid unrelated
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anglos translating it as abolition instead of sublation was a mistake


um le aufheben dialectic maga com


Stop being dense. The abolition of these structures and forms of life will be a by-product of the abolition of bourgeois society as a whole, just like the abolition of religion. Marxists relate their existence and functioning to the economic organization of society and thereby their abolition with the abolition of this organization in its concrete totality. Anarchists on the other hand proceed from a priori, moralist, abstract categories rather than classes and production. For them the family, school, church etc are 'bad' or 'evil' because they restrict an arbitrarily defined 'freedom' or impose some 'authority' or 'hierarchy'. Such vulgarizations will never lead to a coherent, scientific understanding and consequently never lead to the actual, real-life abolition of these structures of oppression.


Children are indeed an oppressed group (group not class), the family and school are inherently exploitative institutions designed to restrict free human development for the sake of reproducing bourgeois relations. For millions they can leave permanent scars for their entire life.


i wasn't really making a point, but i feel like you're misrepresenting marxism here. marxism does progress from abstract models of political economy, and it does so to pretty great and applicable ends, but if we're talking about orthodox marxism there was a bunch of stuff that m&e did kind of take as an assumption and did not bother to investigate further, even within the limits and the intellectual landscape they were working with. their work isn't really totalizing

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How do u guys think Freud would react to the concept of Male pregnancy? Would he consider it as the ultimate form of castration? Fatherhood ceased to be something that you must believe in, like Athena appearing from the head of Zeus, and instead becomes embodied in verifiable physical truth?


he would do some cocaine and make shit up

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british people are like people with lisps but you never get used to it. fuck british people it's patriotic


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>fuck british people
bold of you to say this on a site frequented by porn addicts




me on the left


>Not wearing a diaper with the Union Jack on it


British English is so disgusting


What can I do to further the leftist cause in a meaningful way?
I want to be on the right side of history, for ethical and survival reasons.
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you can't do anything alone and you can't do anything meaningful with 99.99999% of current orgs. (and in that fraction lies a tenants union or a much more obscure and practical sort of organisation, not "the one communist party that takes the correct line")

you must confront the fact you live under a system designed to disempower ordinary people. there is no simple, easy, hardworking path to being useful. the most helpful thing you can do under the circumstances is accept this, try to find ways around it, but never allow yourself to become deluded with "at least i'm doing something", "at least i have the correct opinions", and other ways of satisfying your ego as capital marches ever-onwards.


not that much except direct action and practical causes like >>524471, vvestern democracies are pretty much designed to thwart any protest or effort at changing the system and respond with incredible amounts of violence. unless china decides to back socialist movements like the late ussr, you probably can't do a lot


Join an organization in your community, and if none exist, join a mutual aid network in your community. Take a look at your community and see what problems need addressing (i.e. internet connection, homelessness, food pantries needed, etc.). It's likely in these groups you'll find left-leaning individuals, and if not, you can be the arbiter of change and radicalize your peers in this circle.
This is very true, especially in the States.
This is the fundamental casestudy however, it's important to remember you are just one individual against a government-entity, the cards are against you, Anon. You can, however, influence your peers and friends and help to create opportunities for those who are lost, such as in the methods I mentioned above. Best of luck.



Join a union and organize. If you live in a country with a left wing party, vote for them in elections as well. But the union is the important thing. Build dual power for the working class.

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