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 No.444530[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So, a couple of months ago we had a thread where people were talking about penis size and Shay posted a patent where a vasodilator was used in combination with other substances to enlarge one's penis permanently. I found that pretty intriguing so I wanted to give it a shot. I've read the patent and worked out how I could create an amateur version of the procedure at home with just the necessary parts. I'm one month in and that's not long enough (hehe) to say whether or not it has worked, but from my measurements I may have gained 2mm in length and circumference. Keep in mind that this is a treatment that takes around 3 to 6 months. So at one month time the results will be minuscule.

Anyway, feel free to ask me anything and I will give you monthly updates (if people are interested).
287 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


How do I make my huge cock smaller but more dense and strong like steel?


Yeah but even as sides I have major complex with my dick size and girth :(


>This place is queer as hell lol

Have a problem with it?


>I wonder how fast acting the other supplements are.
The Lecithin didn't give me any noticeable changes tbh, I stick to Zinc.


Too much Zinc?


When my people take over in a bolshevik revolution, only those capable of manual labor will eat. All of you psuedo-academics, women, foreign H1b visa types (looking at you pajeet), sportsball fans, concert-goers, and consooomers better have a plan to make it to your daddy's vacation home in the Maldives because we will be coming to redistribute all (yes all) of your property. The farther you are removed from colonial American stock, the worse it will be for you. Get back to your homeland to work HR and endlessly consoom elite capitalist products because the future is not looking bright for you here.
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> All of you better have a plan to make it to your daddy's vacation home in the Maldives
You know, frankly, I love the beach.


wow, how did you know I was a pseudo*-academic indian woman named Pajeet on a visa to watch football with live music at half-time? this is uncanny.
it's ok though. im literally about to take over the US in a jacobin revolution. we're still out here.


Saying this while posting Conan is awesome


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Dialectical materialism is the system that binds all living things together, it surrounds us, penetrates us and it dictates the world as we see it. Unlike metaphysics that claim things are in motion, dialectics is static, stoic and strong, it is the glue that holds all of reality together and binds people together.

Materialism is the thought of the people, that claims that the human soul materially exists, unlike idealism that claims some abstract ideal, that the world exists outside human experience.

Follow for more educational Marxist content.


uygha did you really just paraphrase Qui Gon and think nobody would notice?

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I was working with a group and for one of my slides on the use of hydrocolids for disabilities and difficulties swallowing was changed to "(dis)abilities" by another group member. and so what is your take, is there a need to redefine this term? and what constitutes a disability, are mental ones included? and if mental illnesses are added what would be the threshold in order for it to categorize as a disability?


Words are man-made tools to describe the world as we perceive it, and to patch over differences in said perception from person to person. They mean whatever people agree they mean, and that's it. Any attempts to find the "true" meaning of a word are at bottom idealism, and not worth seriously considering.


Disability is mostly dependent on context, but basically amounts to when somebody can't do what most people can. Whether this requires special accommodations or not is another question that again depends on context. Having some kind of inconvenient medical condition doesn't make you disabled unless the inconvenience interferes with your ability to function (without intervention or accommodation - it's still a disability even if you manage it effectively).


A rightoid finds himself being bored
He takes to an obscure left wing board
Low effort thread, obvious bait
"Is coffe bad? I think it is great!"

"No it is not". Libsocs all hop.
Unless it was made in a co-op!
"Or sourced from Russia", the Ziggers all chime
Eager to prevent a new NATO crime

The dengoid enters the thread once again
Tho show the anarkiddies his 5 year plan
For achieving socialism in the far east
"Trust me it's hapooning, two more weeks!"
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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That is bordiga, but is that the "read bordiga" meme? Was that what the meme was? I can't remember.


Yeh I was right.

>this meme is 7 years old now


it's not a meme you really should read bordiga and also hate wolff posters for the fucking liberals they are


Stop talking like that.


Namefag, did you actually got arrested by the police? Did you died? We miss you.

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What's something so autistic you wish you could wear in public?
For me, it's 1000 year old middle eastern warmasks
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the dprk got you covered



I wanna dress up in all sorts of fashions inhuman


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don't judge, don't kinkshame


At least make it cohesive, this is random shit thrown together.

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 No.480351[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/tits/ 6
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Also lactating breasts. The darkened nipples are something else.


Congrats on the transition


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there's a whole halloween costume trend about this, picrel

more of the same lady, idk who it is tho


excuse me mr ghost, you have something in your eye

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The same people who push the idea that it is asking too much of the average proletarian to read Marx are also pushing for internet content creators as a replacement, as if the average proletarian is gonna watch a whole Agent Kochinski stream or 7 hour Hbomb video essay.
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"From the moment all members of society, or at least the vast majority, have learned to administer the state themselves, have taken this work into their own hands, have organized control over the insignificant capitalist minority, over the gentry who wish to preserve their capitalist habits and over the workers who have been thoroughly corrupted by capitalism — from this moment the need for government of any kind begins to disappear altogether. The more complete the democracy, the nearer the moment when it becomes unnecessary. The more democratic the "state" which consists of the armed workers, and which is "no longer a state in the proper sense of the word", the more rapidly every form of state begins to wither away.

"Then the door will be thrown wide open for the transition from the first phase of communist society [Socialism] to its higher phase [Communism], and with it the complete withering away of the state.


>if self-identified communists don't know what communism is, it's the job of a revolutionary communist party to recruit and train them
No. The Communist Party is the most advanced section of the proletariat, it's not its job to educate non-proletarian elements that may join it.
Insofar as non-proletarians join the party, it is their job to supply educative elements to the party, not the party's job to waste its time and energy to try to educate them instead. The workers’ movement will do just fine without petit-bourgeois leftists.


Nobody argues this but idiots. There was already a wave of revolutions in the early 20th century that didn't happen "all at once". Where they failed, especially the USSR as the only one that achieved a DotP, was in expanding socialism to the rest of the world.


The proletariat should know what communism is. No society can work without education, doesn't matter what type or what ideology you have. If the people are gonna govern themselves, they need to know how to govern. Is that simple
This piece is talking about communism, you know, classless, stateless moneyless society, which was not yet been achieved. I agree that is idiotic to expect communism only when full world domination is achieved, but that was not the point. Communism IS a state of affairs to be established by the vanguard party. It will not just "wither away" and disappear by magic. Some examples of what will exist in this "communist society" by Engels can be found here: >>527824
The soviet union was a DotP, not communism, i hope you can understand this.


What does the proletariat need right now? It's pretty simple: a podcast about another podcast about a book that's about another book that's about a pamphlet from 1895 that was about another pamphle

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have you heard of the kok n bol tortura theory?


This got be fake ai man. No way man no way this cant be happening


i don't think ai will include the lip licking and nose wiping


Those are common traits of zizek, he lips and nose wiping and so on and so on. Its interesting because the opposite of you said can be also be trye


You can see in the video that it is from this, starting at 8:11.

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 No.402252[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Fuck femdom, lets see some femboydom

(Also, is there anyone lucky enough to have found a real life femboy top, and is in a porn video?)(Spoiler Pornographic OP Images)
410 posts and 1138 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>The coomers resist the psychological operations of the right
>coomers win once again


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BTW the term for this is josou seme in hentai, if you're searching tags.

Example: Dmitrys - Brat Attack (pic & link rel)


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Not enough good art for Berwyn from Corruption of Champions II


>Bridget as a super-muscular femboy
Just noticed this ITT; should be canon.


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The Manifesto uploaded to Internet Archive

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