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you commie fucker your philosophy is utopic.

your views? myopic.
your penis? microscopic.
your topics? no logic.
your internet use? chronic.

get a life and shower before yall socioeconomic(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
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why are mods banning prople for making mock diss tracks on siberia?


Mr.Porky Mr. Porky get outta here
We all know it's us you gotta fear
Ya talk alotta smack
but you got nothing but jack
Your money's a scam
You've got human-kind in a jam
We ain't takin' no more
We're coming for you, ya whore!


They're rightists who want to kill this website.


It's an obvious shitpost, or is the OP image not obviously demonstrative of that? It's a lot more fun to play around with rap battles than mull over the repetitive and boring online culture-war drama that brings NOTHING to the table.

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There are more femcels out there than not nowadays
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> no sex in last year
That's all it takes to be a "femcel".


Femcel=I can't get Chadlite or better


>>528521 (me)
Note also how it's about sex within the last year rather than ever, which means it's technically not about incels/femcels.
Which is also just makes people projecting themselves on large swathes of society and thinking it's gonna collapse in some becky/melvin uprising even funnier.


you guys really are obsessed about youth sexuality to thepoint of reading pop sci graphs?
Jesus Christ even conservatives arent this obsessed.

Postboomer politics is even worse than than their boomer counterparts.


The SÉX recession ended last year OP

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are fascists just stupid for no reason or


fascists are stupid because the left acts like meanies to them all the time and they want to make sure we know how much we stink >:(


/leftypol/ tier thread. If you want to post on /siberia/ you gotta do better than this.


*big schniff* but what if the opposite is true.


Either a brown and red astroturf disguised as anti-zionist and marxist-leninist, mao would have the person who made this shot.
Or this is a anti-idpol poster and anti anarchist poster.
What i am against of identity politics is liberal identity politics, for me chauvinist neocons whould be rolled with a gay steamroller


no they are emotional. they act on emotion and a religious fervor for preservation of their things (which are, tied to emotion), its y they hypafixate on muuzies or negroids raping white girls, it invokes a desire to protect property and act. commies don't hve this problem b/c their parents pay for all their things kek


>2.5 million years of no economic growth
>Communism achieved by doing nothing

Growthists on suicide watch. 2.5 million years of communism in the truest marxist sense. Primitive communism is the ONLY societal system, which is officially approved by Marx himself! Marx was right. Ted was right. Grug was right.
How is it possible, there are no marxist-primitivists? You can be a marxist AND be a primitivist at the same time, there is no contradiction with marxist theory.
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Obligatory reminder that primitive communism is only called that based on the technicality that there's no surplus in the first place that can be hoarded by any certain subgroup.


Who is Grug



Technology isn't the problem. It is the consciousness of those who rely on it.


Why is this shitpost okay but when I make one regarding flooding of /pol/ by zionists I get banned? I wish siberia was not as dead as it is

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Is the Assad critical support because of anti-imperialism

I don't know much about the region, but I assume it's because US has a habit of lying to start wars

Anyone care to tell me on the viewpoints people have about Damascus and what is the situation, I see the memes online
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Syrian women are very beautiful but Iraqi women just about top them


Hold political beliefs for better reasons


He's not gonna let you fuck her.



go to 2:30 and you'll see how this man has enough rizz


this secular baathism is simply preferable to a bunch of dipshit salafis and there handlers


Is this the end of anti-woke? Or at least a deep wound in it?
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>Hurr look at these retards!
Says the retard that took the time to cherrypick all these obscure ass videos to indulge in E-Drama. Also I find it kinda funny that while people have been complaining about the game, while people defending the change have done shit like putting bounties on the heads of people expressing an opinion online.

I don't have a dog in this fight, but don't pretend to be better when you're indulging in the culture-war garbage yourself.


We hit peak woke in 2018. We hit peak anti-woke a little after, since the latter trails behind the former. Not watching your video because I don't care about ragebait slop.


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these really are the dregs of society i can't even fault them for wanting to see booba in ther playstations. look at them. they look like fucking mutants


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he should be a paying customer but for hair implants


Moved to >>>/games/34976.

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what is communism 2 going to be like? what do you want in the sequel
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Everyone to the gooning tanks


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Fully automated AI run luxury space communism with transhumanist characteristics.


A militaristic cult where no one is allowed to give up military training and arms. This is the only way to ensure class vigilance.


Communism IN SPACE!


ultra rare wawa

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many such cases
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Lessening nutrient absorption is something most burgers would absolutely need tbh.


Nah, most burgers need to stop eating soy,grains, and vegetable oil.


Stop spreading this myth. It only prevents the absorption of carbs (ironic), and it delays the absorption of glucose which prevents a "spike" and instead spreads its blood levels evenly across a timeframe after eating.


Fiber stops diarrhea


its the exact inverse

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Harry Truman unilaterally recognizing Israel 11 minutes after it declared independence as a favor for his Jewish friend (this will not have major geopolitical consequences for the next 80 years), 1948

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>if we build communism ourselves, the bourgeoisie will see how great it is and voluntarily give up their property
He was right. materialistbros BTFO
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America got power through a revolution that saw deaths and destruction, so that kinda debunks the argument OP is making.


Why if they haven't now then they never will. Capitalism is just crisis after crisis, virtually everything has been exhausted.


wow congrats on making one of the most retarded threads in a while


Retards in this thread thinking this is about a DotP


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