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 No.524561[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I want accountability. I'm fat, impatient, lazy, and undisciplined. In this thread, I'll catalogue my process from weak useless parasite, to strong paragon of the proletariat.

I'll post here everyday with updates.

My goals are to reach and maintain my weight, exercise regularly, and make a certain amount of money every day.

I'll add more detail later on. Feedback is welcome all along the way.
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Good and retarded kind


looking forward to this haul


>useless parasite
>paragon of the proletariat
This is extremely fucking spooked. But you are a weakling, thanks for pointing this out.
>morally superior food


Good luck, OP


proteinbros… is it over?
based agrochemist telling me the human body needs 10g/day protein
also really interesting stuff about ammonium nitrate pollution in the air amidst other stuff i already knew, not done yet, check it out

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 No.467989[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


describe your last dream IMMEDIATELY UPON WAKING UP, so you don't forget it
i'll give you a score from 0 to 10 and an OFFICIAL and SPECIAL seal of approval or disapproval

and KEEP IT SHORT because my attention span is TINY
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>in ww2 fighting against russians barely survive
>then studying in uni in china but the locals are racists
>then family buys a mansion and previous owners come to visit


I dreamed my father raped me. It hurt. I felt great when I woke up though.




He hugged me


I was fucking furious over something but I don't remember what.

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Grace Battle Royale: Hunger Games
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What is this Rin Tohsaka knock-off?


I think I forgot to add your contestant.
I'll make sure to add the next upcoming match.


I won once with the virtual hedgehogsgot 8moe /b/ coping lmao, but winning twice with the blue/red taikos would be very very rare


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(will be played at 8moe /b/)


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>(will be played at 8moe /b/)
Grace-poster no longer likes us…

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ITT we plot communism's relationship with religion over the next few centuries. We discuss how to ether neutralize it or co-opt it depending on what anons thing is better. I make this to stop the derailment I unfortunately caused in the college protest thread let's continue the discussion here.

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like… i guess i described basically a leftist org… but just without the label and without the devotion to a specific doctrine, without a desire to teach that doctrine, etc. Like other than that this describes a lot of socialist orgs. Idk I think our people are confused, because we create open orgs for people who are dedicated to communism e.g., the people who are drawn to study and being active politically and will in the future be important for educating the working class, people who will be targets for repression, but these orgs are the same as the ones supposed to attract average people to our cause… Like let's have clandestinity for the organizing specifically of communists and socialists, and let's have no politics attached to local social organs of community-building, organizing, discussion and education, of the masses. Not as front groups that are secretly controlled by communists, but just as organizations structurally organized such that they facilitate bringing together the well-intentioned of the working class, foster open debate and education (and the production of knowledge), and are self-directed. I like this idea for the subversion of abrahamism.


>quantitatively more rational
Is that even a thing? Like what is one unit of rationality supposed to be? Rations?
>It's so obvious it's borderline self-evident
So vibes. You're asserting something you can't prove because vibes. There's a word for that.


Isn't it kind of basically the same to say that "there's no evidence it exists" and "it doesn't exist" are functionally the same, in the sense that they have the same impact on our action in the world? In both cases we go on with life as if the thing doesn't exist. Even if the perfectly rational thing is to "keep an open mind and not make a determination either way, because it's not disproven", all that means in practice is that when evidence of god arrives, that you don't reject it. But like, what atheist is devoutly atheist to the degree that they would deny actually seeing miracles, and god descending from the heavens and declaring his kingdom, and so on… Any current atheist would believe after this. Why does there need to be any demarcation between atheist and agnostic?

And isn't it really self evident tho that assuming something doesn't exist because you have no evidence for it is more sensible than assuming something exists even while you have no evidence for it? One sees a lack and assumes a lack beyond their limited perception. One sees a lack and assumes something existing beyond their perception and finds excuses why they don't have any evidence. One is at least a consonant theory given the data. The other one is unsupported. But both are just theories, and not absolute. But that's all anything is is my point from the start, I guess. It's all just positing things based on what works best, it's not meant to be permanent and unchanging. But it's silly to act as if everything is indeterminate simply because there's room for rational skepticism. That's like the people who say "there's still no scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming, so I'm not going to believe in it."


>>quantitatively more rational
>Is that even a thing? Like what is one unit of rationality supposed to be? Rations?
You can count things like sample size and p value with research if you really want to talk about numerics, but you don't actually need numbers to be able to quantify things, just relative degrees. If two people are arguing and one of them just makes a worse argument overall, with fewer good points or more logical fallacies then you can say their argument was worse. Qualitative would be that the nature of the argument is different rendering it incomparable in that kind of direct way. In this case, we're talking about disbelieving something with no evidence vs believing it. The reason these are fundamentally different is that disbelieving something with no evidence is something everyone does all the time with all sorts of things, and believing something without evidence is only done for extremely special cases that are carved out and treated like for some reason it's rational to think maybe god exists even though you'd never say that about Russel's teapot.
>So vibes.
No, you're just dumb.


I suppose but God brings a totality of being. None of these being a totalizing aspect.

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The only way I could do that was if you wanted me too I could come and pick it out and then I can go pick up it from your place or you could just pick me out of there or you could pick me out and I could just go pick up my truck or you can just come pick me out or you could go to my house or you can pick it out of my house or


>phone file type

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Post Fancams


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>never seen working a stable job
>still has moneh to spend on food and commodities

does patrick like, receives parent money or a welfare check?
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Bikini Bottom is a socdem utopia with a universal basic income and universal at-cost cooperative housing. Notice how Mr. Krabs is always making huge profits but doesn't live a very luxurious lifestyle? That's because of how much he pays in income and capital gains taxes.


average rich parent college student life. trust fund people go crazy i bet patrick's parents pay to keep him away. legit i have seen/know parents like that


I've only watched up to like season 3 or 4 so idk if there's more lore revealed later but from what I've seen I think between living very frugally and the occasional bout of gainful employment and working odd jobs he gets by. His living situation is pretty grim, he's under a rock that is furnished with only the bare essentials if anything at all and half the time those items are made out of sand so one can assume it costs him close to nothing. If not for the fact that he has utilities I would assume he's squatting. Besides that what commodities is he buying other than food? When left to his own devices he seems to spend his time sunbathing and hunting jellyfish. There are a few episodes where he's gainfully employed and when he and Spongebob sell chocolate the episode ends with him pushing a wheelbarrow full of money around so it's not like he's never making an income. That said if I was to choose between the two suggestions you raised I'd lean towards being on welfare, he seems to be largely estranged from his parents
Mr. Krabs is just a massive cheapskate who hoards money rather than spending it. Evidence of him beings rich are his preppy and spoiled daughter, the episode where he earns his millionth dollar and there's plenty of instances where he's seen with huge sums of money. When he does spend it's for the sake of earning more money, such as when he opened up a second Krusty Krab right next to the first one or when he turned the restaurant into a luxury hotel. Finally there's an episode where Squidward quits his job and quickly becomes destitute so I think that refutes the notion that Bikini Bottom is a socdem paradise


>the episode where he earns his millionth dollar
if you earn a million dollars over the course of your career but 900,000 of them went to paying your capital gains tax, you still "made" a million dollars


There's no reason to assume that he pays any taxes at all but assuming for a moment that he does and considering the other expenses like labour costs etc. that he must pay I would expect a capitalist like Krabs to be well aware of the difference between his net and gross income. It wouldnt make much sense for him to get so excited over earning it and later on so distraught over losing it otherwise

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me on the right
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this guy gets it


This guy is a guro artist btw


even tho his pixiv and shitter are mostly sfw


>draws a little bit of meat, as a treat
<flying "guro artist" stamp thumps onto their forehead
Artists gotta be free to have range without being expected to have a niche.


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>Deleted twitter account
>Ignoring online discourse
>Limiting engagement with online communities filled with antisocial misanthropes masquerading as normal
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I still post on here and 4chan but I do the same. I stopped using twitter and other social media regularly and talk with my irl friend group instead and while my life is still far from perfect its a load off my mind.


Moving from twitter to fedi probably halved my blood pressure and doubled my attention span fr


Grow something.


real, grow mushrooms and sell them on archtyp


I managed to get two indoor tomato plants to grow over the winter. One thriving, one a twig but still alive kinda. Only difference was time it took to get them to a bigger pot.


Still need to figure out how I got so bland as a human being over the past years. Did leaving all online platforms except for this sole imageboard make me this way? Am I just on too many meds and need to go off of them? Did trying to "go normal" and socialize IRL where my personality got lost? Is this just a consequence of becoming an aging shut-in? I need to figure this out because I am dying.
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are you me lol

>get told to rejoin social media to make e-friends again

<try out twitter
>dont know what to talk about
<try out d*scord
>dont know what servers to join or what to say
<try out tumblr
>dont know what to post

ive become incredibly shallow and empty in many senses. no hobbies or skills. and i really dont want to become another annoying marxist theory-head online


It's because you are masking. You have to unmask.


I hate that you're probably right, in a way, lmao. I think I might be deeply scared of rejection and shame.


lmfao I love you comrade but you're being retarded

>Did leaving all online platforms except for this sole imageboard make me this way

that is probably part of it, this place has so little dynamism and novelty now, so it's not going to be as stimulating or growing to you
>Did trying to "go normal" and socialize IRL
Also yes probably, because it means you just don't have many opportunities to express lots of things that you previously enjoyed (internet and politics stuff)
>Is this just a consequence of becoming an aging shut-in?
absolutely lmao, go out and find real activities that you feel are meaningful and enjoyable, and people who will do them with you and can talk about the things you enjoy. Thats the only way to not be stagnant and feel boring. Life is a game and you're on the sidelines commenting on it more than living it

Girl you should KNOW by now that the exact thing you're afraid of is the thing you need to confront. Be an annoying marxist theory-head. Maybe not online… but go be that annoying told-ya-so-ing, philosophizing, moralizing, shit-stirring, current events knowing, opinion having lefty that triggers people so much



Wonderful news

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