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Edgy general

Post edgy unpopular opinions that you have.

I think that we should treat sakaioids the same way that we treat nazis
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I'm all for Muslims converting old abandoned churches into mosques, and many have kept the church look, but some just make them look like they were dropped completely from the middle east. It's no Biggie but i wonder why some do that.


Variety is the spice of life, and I suppose it makes it feel more homely for the first gems, but of you've been here for 3 generations then you're practically British in every way, so why not adopt some of the aesthetics of the rest of society?

Not really a song opinion but I have wondered it.


>muh protestants!
Shut up papists. No prots, no industrial revolution, no communism. You lazy fucks.


Prots are responsible for every world war


The industrial revolution was a historical inevitability. People were going to figure out how to mass-produce things sooner or later.

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if you think about it, this is egoism in a nutshell
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If you think about it, you can kiss yourself in a mirror, but only on the lips.


why did you have to remind me of this video specifically


Thank you op for your deep political observation


post the clip of adam friedland kissing him


Bumping this gem just for you

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Here are the animals that I remembered to add as candidates (feel free to suggest more animal candidates!!!):

-capybara (last year's winner!!! 🏆🏆🏆🏆);
-raccoon (last year's almost winner!!! 🏆🏆🏆);
-cat (last year's almost almost winner!!! 🏆🏆);
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What happened to the election?


The Jellyfisher lovers stole the election
Long live capybara, the real president of leftypol animal autonomous thread


allegedly someone was voting countless times instead of just 1 time for their animal to win, so I think that killed the election



I remember that the number of people participating on the thread was the same number as the people who voted on the poll when capybara won. I voted for dragon but wouldn't mind capybara taking over


if leftypol followed how brazil's electoral system works then it wouldn't have fraud, the electronic voting machines all contain a custom GNU/Linux distro built specifically for voting, and the source code isn't hidden, you just need to be filliated in a political party to view the source code 6(?) months before elections.

the name of the GNU/Linux distro is called "Uenux"(it only works in a brazillian electronic voting machine)


do you use any antivirus software? i don't have any antivirus software installed, and whenever there's a sussy file i'm afraid to open, i just upload them to those websites that perform a check using dozens of antivirus softwares

is this the right way to go?
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but i'm not so afraid of viruses that crash my os, i'm afraid of viruses that let some guy in another country see my bank account data and pics of my shaved, pink bucci


viruses don't matter unless you have something worth stealing, which most people don't. even their identity isn't worth stealing. cyberattacks try to cast a wide net but they'd be better of targeting rich individuals. also antivirus software deliberately ignores glowie shit because the NSA demands a backdoor into everything


>virtue signal
No one says that anymore, just accuse me of posturing.
>you know that there are good aaa games out there
A good AAA game is a pack of concepts waiting to be done better by an indie.


Your bank account should have two factor authentication and fraud protections. Bitcoin would be the worst so you should have even better security on your crypto accounts.


>he hasn't had hidden crypto miner installed by shady software

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Why are conservatives perpetually mad about coffee shops and the people who frequent them?
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It’s a weird whitoid thing where they reflexively hate anyone that doesn’t want to drink the shittiest caffeinated mud water, drink the crappiest beers, eat the most diarrhea inducing fast food slop, etc. These are typically people who like to virtue signal over how much they self-flagellate.


Honestly I agree with you on all the concepts mentioned, I'm just mad at Marxists denying they are intellectuals, especially when their most favorite pass time is endlessly quoting Marx and Lenin to prove their points, just like academics and redditors have an hard-on for citing sources. There is nothing wrong with having intellectual inclinations, anti-intellectualism in the political sphere give rise to shit like /pol/, not communism.


tbh I get it. I'm too lazy to hate anyone over it, but it basically amounts to: The inferior product is what I'm used to, it's fine. Then someone comes along and goes "no, it's not fine, it's shit" which is socially insulting (on two levels - you're insulting my stuff and you're insulting my taste) even if what they enjoy is objectively a higher quality commodity. It's hard for it not to carry connotations of: "i'm too good for the things you enjoy"

it's not really about self flagellation: it's not something that's felt as a loss to begin with. the inferior product is the default and deviation from that default without a normal excuse is easy to read as pretentious social posturing. which it often has elements of. people who like their good coffee, their fancy beer, their fancy and-or foreign food, can rarely resist contrasting it with the mud, the crap, the slop… it's not too hard to then connect this instinctive feeling to a fairly basic conservative outlook in life, explaining why it dominates there: "why do you have to be different? why can't you just be normal?"


> it's not really about self flagellation
Nah, this shit exists. People moralize masochism. I remember a documentary on the Tea Party where they interviewed an old white guy with teeth falling out of his head why he was against universal health care and his response was it went against his American principles of self-sufficiency. When the interviewer asked him about his teeth he claimed that was the price he had to pay.
There are levels before we get to that point.
First level is “how dare you market to me a better product and impugn my way of life”. The highest level is “I’m going to roll in the mud and not take a shower to trigger the libs”. Hatred for coffee shops is somewhere in the middle.
> deviation from that default without a normal excuse is easy to read as pretentious social posturing
What I’m describing is basically an inversion of this attitude. There are people that will embrace the default and even make it into moral currency.


> it's laughable that you believe they have any revolutionary potential
true but not because theyre petty bourgios consumers.

its more to do with them not interfacing with the means of production. a student strike doesn't do anything but a strike in logistics or shipping would bring down the economy

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i hate having no desire to talk with others beyond low commitment exchanges and being friendless
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im a degen and dont get those vibes from the pic, is it actually from porn?



It sucks seeing people having others to do things they like with while you watch.

Had no idea the pic was implied incest. I thought it was just creepily drawn since in the show Reagan's father micromanages nearly every aspect of her childhood so she could be a glowie and he could coax her into doing whatever he needed to further his plans, and she's aware of this to an extent but suppresses it until the final few episodes of s1. but looking at it now it's obvious.


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>Most people feel unapproachable irl
>Everyone online is in some tight knit group that feels impenetrable unless I stand out in some way
>If I do manage to talk to someone it's always small talk that dies off


I can only maintain 3 low commitment friendships at most. No idea how normies manage to put more effort into other people.
>Everyone online is in some tight knit group that feels impenetrable unless I stand out in some way
Yeah they suck. I can assure you from experience, becoming part of one really isn't worth it.


Are Jiangshi socialist?
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By being a slut who likes to air her fishy pussy out


>her fishy pussy
>that is not a guy
absolutely disgusted


She doesn't look very comfortable though.


I wouldn't know. I'm not a harlot like her.


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she may be wearing very subtle adhesive underwear doughever

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I wish the "petite-bourgeoisie is when you can afford savings" anon wore a flag or name so I can filter him and never have to read his revisionist shit.


Sleep snug, smug.

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i ask it all the time to /pol/uyghas, if they are that concerned about the modern life killing away the birthrates of the nordic aryans and killing the incentive for both white men and women to copulate, why don't they support technology to get around it?

you know, things like artificial wombs, you get your nordic moneyshot, you inject in in an artificial womb, you wait until the aryan 300IQ baby is ready to save the white race, no w*men required

or if you're a woman, test tube bebe, you take the frozen coom of a thulean viking chadcel from sweden, you inject it in an egg, and you shove that down your ovary, wait nine months, repeat until you are satisfied with the birthrates

everytime i'm asking this to a natsack they say it's a jewish modernist ploy, lab made babies are dumber and more likely to die, if that's so, why not support the technology to make the newborns better? i thought nazoids loved science and technology
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gem gem gem GEM please start a blog and post it here


Nazis don't actually care about any of that stuff, they just want a hot Aryan slave GF.


Nice textslop


They are eternal contrarians, robot Hitler could invade with his UFO fleet and create the global ethnoglobe fourth reich and they will suddenly turn communist.


Stop trying to garnish your retarded thought with fancy prose. It makes you sound even stupider than you already are.

>So technology here isnt this driver of pure immanence, but is a political object. My feeling is that the technological concept on the left is *transhuman* while on the right its *superhuman* and each discourse supplements this perspective on futurity.

>The left wants to liberate the self by the false universality of "morphological freedom", but implicit in this is the transsexual slime of the lowest life being unchained against the tyranny of the constrictions that underpin humanity itself in physical form. You can be a cthulhu monster, or a furry android, but a beautiful white man? Now, this is "problematic".
>But here i transpose the necessary particularity of the superhuman, who might look at TRT as a means to a more perfect end, and thus inscribes a vital idealism into his thought. "Its good to be beautiful" he might think, but what is beauty except something wrought from intuition?
is really just
<Leftists believe in *transhumanism*, which means taking on whatever form one pleases (provided it's not a handsome white man, which would be "problamatic"). Rightists, on the other hand, believe in *superhumanism*, which means taking on a well-defined ideal human form that transcends any personal preference.
but three times as long and one tenth as readable.

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Incest is actually occasionally beneficial to the genetics of the human species. It's a phenomenon called Genetic Purging and it is done through inbreeding. What this essentially entails is that when two related individual create a defective offspring, that offspring has very expressive and apparent side-effects created by recessive genes. If then this individual gets along with another completely unrelated individual, the offspring will be 90% clear of any bad and recessive genes. This is what genetic purging entails and it is something that is frequently observed in ecosystems with coyotes and mice.


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There are downsides, however. Generational inbreeding actually is very bad, it actively makes the expressive recessive genes be permanent. Inbreeding should only be done when there's a need to clear out recessive genes with another unrelated individual and not make it a tradition to marry your cousin.
Likewise, only marrying a unrelated individual has the side-effect of piling recessive genes slowly. Like shorter, thinner, dumber, more prone to illness and allergies offspring in each generation. Optimally, there has to be at least some form of incest in the family at least every four to five generations.


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>recessive genes = bad


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So in policy, scientists that find during testing that they have deleterious recessive genes could recieve a medal or something for knocking up / getting knocked up by a relative?
I think the point is you don't know if they're bad until they're expressed. (or they're like, discovered and documented is such or not as such.)


You severely misunderstand purging. It works by making bad recessive genes show up phenotypically so that they can then be exposed to selective pressures and die instead of being "stealthy" and hiding in heterozygotic genomes. Interbreeding with people who don't have bad recessive genes doesn't make them go away.

Also, keep in mind that purging isn't a process but an outcome of inbreeding and it's one of the rarer ones. When a species is going down an inbreeding spiral, it always lowers their numbers and their fitness during it, then it either goes extinct (most common) or purges bad genes from its members and then shoots up in population and mean fitness (uncommon).
It's unknown why species usually go extinct, but one hypothesis is that most species have a statistically significant amount of recessive bad genes in all of their members so inbreeding is always worse for them compared to staying heterozygotic.

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