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Is it okay for romantic couples to be racist to each other?
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>muh d e g e n e r a c y
Go back to /pol/.


Why is this autosaged?


Based anon


>16 deaths from police having gun fights with the race fetishist


Racism implies by definition a feeling of superiority over another race, meaning that a racist believes their race is superior to others.
Many people in relations may feel superior to their partners based off of many factors, these people are assholes and not racists.
Racists would not intermarry for fear of rejection from their social group and in addition would probably never consider ostracization by way of "mixing" by choosing a partner out of their societal norm.
It seems like there is an inherited misunderstanding of the term racism throughout society.
If you want someone to be hurt and take pleasure at the sight of another's pain you are a sadist, if it is solely because that persons "race" is different from yours, you are a racist.

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east asian martial art be like
<after training in the art of the southern anteater jutsu under the guise of master shaolin guru guanxi tanaka, i can finnaly do the yin-yang flip kick, the komo kami kai stun whirlwind jab, and finish with the 300 sons of yama double air punch, may the ancestors in heavens look at me in pride

west asian/westoid martial arts be like
<so yeah there's not much here, when in a street fight, once you lock in on your opponent, break his face open, aim for the eyes, the back of the knees, the loins, put your knuckles on his weakest points, proceed until he's down for good
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Winner of Kung Fu tournament raises the Palestinian flag on the commemoration podium. Apparently the host country and tournament are PISSED.


Yall are all retarded


anyone who posts troll face phonk memes should kiss the curb


>Imagine thinking your opinion on phonk memes matters
You kiss the curb uygha


I just moved and my previous rent seeking parasite pissed me of so fucking much, I'm sick to and I hope he caught something from me.

>water enters the house when it rains through the window

>garden is filled with glass and nails due to his second building rotting in place (my dog almost cut an artery because of i)
>no isolation
<shit talks because the garden isn't nice enough
<Litterally gets money every month for doing

Trash talk your personal scum parasite in this thread please, landlords are really the fucking worst of the worst. I have not felt this violent since years
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Even from a lib POV, landlords suck


>main character in his most famous book sells out his gf under the possibility of torture
<in reality he secretly sold out his socialist contacts to MI5 voluntarily
Was it embellishment?
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Wasn't Orwell an Anarchist, not a 'Communist' aka Leninist?


He fought for the trots in the Spanish Civil War.


uh nope, sounds like a you probelm


But was he a trot tho?


Animal Farm was him glazing Trotsky for half the book

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post about fashion bodily aesthetics thinspo pro ana






me on the top
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The Most Extreme is honestly an untapped meme gold mine.


>>530369 is this real


male anglerfish really do bite (much larger) female anglerfish and melt and die and turn into a gonad that deposits reproductive material, yes.


Imagine what anglerfish incel rhetoric would be like


forget the incels, think of the femcels. male anglerfish LITERALLY become scrotes


I need to be ball busted like this IRL, but women shouldn't need my consent and should tie me up and leave me to my fate when they're done. What's a simp more or less? >///<
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Ball stompers they're called.



bustin' makes me feel good



I’m not a phat ass chick, but I’ll kick you in the nuts for free if you look like this guy

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hello friends
my partner is addicted to this site and has extensive knowledge on tor and other computer shit with a minor in computer science. how do one become moderator? they would be so happy to be moderator! theyre so cute and perfect we have so much fun together, we have plans to love together in adult life, but it would make them so happy in the meanwhile to read all your posts. please and thank you- kale ❤️🥺


>join the queue binch
>glows used to be better trained


my partner is addicted to this site and has extensive knowledge on tor and other computer shit with a minor in computer science. how do one become moderator? they would be so happy to be moderator! theyre so cute and perfect we have so much fun together, we have plans to love together in adult life, but it would make them so happy in the meanwhile to read all your posts. please and thank you- kale ❤️🥺

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can we have a comfy Memri thread for the sake of nostalgia?


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can we have a comfy Memri thread for the sake of nostalgia?

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History proved he was right
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So is Xi making a mistake by transitioning to a more centralized leadership model for the CPC? Or is it necessary?


I'd say that overall, he is.

Centralization is not without it's benefits; China's been doing great, and I doubt it would be doing as well as it is if it weren't for Xi's strong leadership. But that's because Xi is a strong leader. If his successor proves to be inferior, the ground gained under his regime will very quickly be lost.


>anglos should be all shot on site for being physically incapable of thinking dialectically.


>Look at Oman, KSA, Bhutan and any Asian absolute monarchies, lowest crime rates in the world

Go live there then, uygha


who dat?

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